I had pre ordered hellgate London, and was hoping to play that for quite some time. I even went as far as to upgrade my system 350 dollars, adding an 8600gts OC. Now I am realizing that HG:L is the biggest piece of **** I ever laid my eyes on, and so I cancelled my preorder. Rather than saving the 60 dollars and investing it in the bank like any logical person would do, I want to blow it on another videogame, preferably for the PC since I just spent that money upgrading it and for what now, online poker? To give you an idea, I am looking forward to Unreal (PS3), COD4(PS3), and I mainly enjoy first person shooters. Typically traditional ones such as WWI and WWII I am realizing are my best bet, though I am open to any and all suggestions. I also have a PS3, though I only rent games from gamefly for my PS3, so I want to buy a good game for the computer. I am thinking BioShock, though I am afraid for 60 dollars it might be fairly short? Also, I wouldn't mind trying an older game as long as the graphics don't make me vomit. Would Vampire:Bloodlines look decent for todays standards and have good gameplay? Just looking for something out there to try, thanks!
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