Hey everyone. How's it going. I have a huge problem here and I don't know what to do. I don't know much about comps well to this degree, but I was hoping for someone here to help me out. I've gotten my dsl upgraded to a 3.0. I'm under verizon and they said that the speed has been upgraded cause I was under the 19.99 dollar plan. I have taken several online tests to check the speed of my computer but it just isn't going fast for a 3.0 mb speed or I think it isn't. On the test site I took it says "349 kilobits per second"  I've been calling them everyday for this problem but when they check it out they say everything is normal. That my speed is going through and what not. Is it possible that I need to download something? Delete a few files? If you guys can help me I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
Well... lets do a little tutorial about the advertised speeds and actual download speeds..... They advertised 3.0 mb/s right? Well that is 3000 Kbps / 8 = 375 KBps. That's close to what you got, and that is how much you are actually downloading in actuality, to download in actual 3 MB per second is to have a 24 mbps connection in reality (note how there are capitalizations, there are differences to this.)
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