Hey guys, over the skl holidays I'm gunna be bored wivout a few PC games ;p
My specs aren't great, I can just about run Oblivion elder scrolls on medium settings..
Just under 1GB RAM
2.4ghz CPU pseed
320mb video RAM
And a lot of space on my hard drive.
I'm into RPG games rlly, but I like shooters to, anything that looks good (I like to make movies), I'm thinking of getting..
Knights of the old republic 1... (the 2nd one didn't work wiv my graphics card.. so.. :S)
Counter strike source (Luv MMOFPS aswell ;p)
And I need Oblivion Elder scrolls (broke my disc modding so need a new one)
I have played..
Black and white 2
ALL guild wars games
I'm not getting WoW
Battle for middle earth 1+2
Age of empires 3...
Star wars republic comando..
PLZ, help me out! suggest some good games that will meet my specs xD
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