Need or want SLI? Unless you've already got a pair of good SLI cards that you need to carry over, scrap SLI, there just aren't any really good motherboards on the market for SLI under $200 - the 750i boards seem tempting, but I haven't heard enough about them to make a judgement call.
Need or want SLI? Unless you've already got a pair of good SLI cards that you need to carry over, scrap SLI, there just aren't any really good motherboards on the market for SLI under $200 - the 750i boards seem tempting, but I haven't heard enough about them to make a judgement call.RayvinAzn
i was looking at this one
i just bought an xfx 680i, its been around a while and ive heard a lot of good stuff about it, especially for overclockers and sli and stuff, its a really flexible board (not literally) even supports the new wolfdale 45nm processor, only 150 on tigerdirect, and the evga version is 160 on newegg
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