My computer specs are in the sig :D
I wanna max out any game/future games at 60+fps(preferably)
What should i upgrade? Or just save up money and buy a new pc later on?
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Yes, get a CPU cooler if you want to overclock.
As for what you're asking, being able to "max out any game / future games at 60frames" is a very vague request. What resolution are you playing at? What's your budget? How long do you want your fairytale performance to last?
Maxing out every game is an extremely inefficient way to buy video cards. Something like a 570 or 6970 will max the majority of games, but those few small outliers like Crysis and Metro will really make it work for it's money. If you had to be able to max absolutely everything, I'd tell you to SLI 580s / Crossfire 6970s or get a 590 / 6990.
So, please be more specific about the details and we can answer your question :)
Grab a GTX570 and call it good. It would be a great upgrade especially at the res you play itgmaster456Do i need to overclock my CPU at all or could i just install the gpu and be set? I have nvidias latest drivers (270.61) if i grab a new gfx card can i just plug it in and then don't worry about installing anything?
[QUOTE="gmaster456"]Grab a GTX570 and call it good. It would be a great upgrade especially at the res you play itszaftoDo i need to overclock my CPU at all or could i just install the gpu and be set? I have nvidias latest drivers (270.61) if i grab a new gfx card can i just plug it in and then don't worry about installing anything? For now you'd be all set but 6 months to a year from now You'll start seeing the benefits of an overclock.
Really sorry! I'm gaming on 1920 x 1080 res and i would like to max/high settings for maybe 2/3 years and then just buy a new computer. I wouldn't wanna sli anythingszafto
Nothing to be sorry about :).
For 1080p I think the 570 would be a great choice. It will be a good card for 2-3 years. Keep in mind you won't be able to get 60 frames in everything but you'll get great performance nontheless. 60 frames in everyhting isn't really necessary, 40+ is the sweet spot, but 30s is still acceptable and playable (at least by my standards). So yeah, get a 570 and overclock your CPU.
8 gb isn't worth it at this point in time, or really the future either. Until consoles come out with a new gen alot of games aren't going to jump up in requirments by a ton
New GPU for sure. GTX260 is pretty weak. Get at least a GTX560. Your i5 750 should be fine for a good while, but you should grab a decent cooler for it so you can overclock; keep it up to spec with the newer processors :D.
I have a corsair H50 cpu water cooler which is actually really nice, and they have newer versions of it too (H60 and H70). Keeps my i7 860 at 50 Celcius under full load at 3.8ghz.
If you're paranoid about water though, the Noctua nh-d14 is recommended a lot. Coolermaster hyper 212 I hear is a nice cooler too, and I've seen it on sale for about $25 which makes it a steal.
I just manually overclocked my cpu to 3.2ghz and it runs at 80celsius max... inputs?
I didn't do anything to my volt, perhaps bump it up to 1.4v?
No, you only bump up volts when you can't boot on that oc
you could also get a 6950 and overclock it. It will beat a 570 pretty easily once you do so. Everything else looks good, no need to upgrade the ram. Also I had an i5 750 and the temps would idle around 43 degrees celsius when oc'd to 3.33 ghz and probably hit mid 50s at load, so it doesn't really get that hot.
If i get a 570 will my CPU bottleneck it at stock else i will buy a new cooler for cpu. Is it a hard thing to install? Also why do most people recommend 570 over 580? Price/performance ratio?szafto
Buy a GTX 570 because at 1080p that is all that is necessary. CPU coolers are easy to install. Buy a Hyper 212+ for that CPU, it should work great. People recommend a 570 over a 580 because a 580 doesn't give you all that much more preformance for the money. It isn't worth the price jump. I recommend buying a CPU cooler and overclocking that i5 because after you do that you can forget about any CPU bottleneck for a couple years and you will probably improve your minimum FPS at the same time.
[QUOTE="szafto"]If i get a 570 will my CPU bottleneck it at stock else i will buy a new cooler for cpu. Is it a hard thing to install? Also why do most people recommend 570 over 580? Price/performance ratio?middle-earth88
Buy a GTX 570 because at 1080p that is all that is necessary. CPU coolers are easy to install. Buy a Hyper 212+ for that CPU, it should work great. People recommend a 570 over a 580 because a 580 doesn't give you all that much more preformance for the money. It isn't worth the price jump. I recommend buying a CPU cooler and overclocking that i5 because after you do that you can forget about any CPU bottleneck for a couple years and you will probably improve your minimum FPS at the same time.
Wooohoooo :D this is the first time i'm fiddling with hardware. Should be fun but i'm very cautious lol thanksEDIT: Any link on how-to install a cpu cooler for i5-750? :D
[QUOTE="szafto"]If i get a 570 will my CPU bottleneck it at stock else i will buy a new cooler for cpu. Is it a hard thing to install? Also why do most people recommend 570 over 580? Price/performance ratio?szafto
Buy a GTX 570 because at 1080p that is all that is necessary. CPU coolers are easy to install. Buy a Hyper 212+ for that CPU, it should work great. People recommend a 570 over a 580 because a 580 doesn't give you all that much more preformance for the money. It isn't worth the price jump. I recommend buying a CPU cooler and overclocking that i5 because after you do that you can forget about any CPU bottleneck for a couple years and you will probably improve your minimum FPS at the same time.
Wooohoooo :D this is the first time i'm fiddling with hardware. Should be fun but i'm very cautious lol thanksEDIT: Any link on how-to install a cpu cooler for i5-750? :D
but so worth it when it comes to non gaming I love how apps get cached and opens almost instantly. Plus ram is so cheap.8 gb isn't worth it at this point in time, or really the future either. Until consoles come out with a new gen alot of games aren't going to jump up in requirments by a ton
Omg that thing looks huge XD Will it fit in my Cooler Master HAF 932szaftoEasily. With too much room to spare, In fact, you can still fit a kitten in there right next to it. The HAF 932 case is huge. The 212+ isn't that big like people claim. I have the 212+ and HAF 932 case, I would know. You're good to go.
8 gb isn't worth it at this point in time, or really the future either. Until consoles come out with a new gen alot of games aren't going to jump up in requirments by a ton
but so worth it when it comes to non gaming I love how apps get cached and opens almost instantly. Plus ram is so cheap. 8GB may come in handy depending on how many programs you run at once. At the moment im using 2.45 GB running IE9 with 2 tabs open, iTunes, Steam, Windows Live Mail and messenger. AVG Anti-Virus free, Software for my logitech g19 and g9x uses quite a bit of RAM also.Please Log In to post.
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