[QUOTE="Samulies"]what kind of PC do you guys will need for this at 1900 x 1200? (24" res) Think a PC with: e6400, 8800GTS (640mb) and 2 gigs ram would cut it?Byshop
Before a game is released, it's -impossible- to know the answer to this question. This game's release date hasn't even been announced, so I doubt even the devlopers have an answer to that question yet. However, I think you have a good shot with that system.
But who knows? Maybe it'll be poorly optimized and not run well on -any- system at that res.
This should give you some idea. The following is from the Alan Wake FAQs found here: http://www.alanwake.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1055
What platforms will Alan Wake be available on?
Alan Wake is currently confirmed for release on the Windows Vista for PC and the Xbox 360.
Is Alan Wake exlusive to Windows Vista? If so why?
Petri Järvilehto had this to say on the official Alan Wake forums (18/05/06):
"I'll confirm that Alan Wake is Vista and 360 exclusive. I know some people have reacted strongly to that, but for us this was one of the key decisions that will allow us to create the best possible game.
We've locked this down a while ago, and being able to focus on fewer platforms means that the game is going to kick more ass than ever before. By going with Vista, we don't have to compromise everything to the lowest common PC denominator and since we're not doing a PS3 version we can go all out with PC and 360 multithreading, HDR rendering etc. This focus benefits the tech and game design immensely.
We're really sorry if some end up missing the game because of our platform choice, but in the end of the day we *must* base our decisions on what will let us create the best possible game. That's just how Remedy as a team works: we're passionate about creating something unique. Alan Wake is still our IP and we drive the creative control, but working with Microsoft gives us unprecedented levels of development support, testing resources and so on.
But... as they say, the proof is in the pudding. You guys are going to be the best judges on whether the calls we've made have been the right ones. We haven't really shown anything on what we've been up to in the past year. Once we do, it'll be up to you to see whether our work has been worthwhile."
What kind of specs will the PC need to run Alan Wake?
Nothing is certain about the specifications but you will need Windows Vista and a fairly high spec PC. Remedy have showcased Alan Wake running smoothly on an Intel Core 2 Quad system overclocked at 3.73Ghz with a GeForce 7900GTX.
Markus from Remedy has said "Alan Wake would pretty much not run on any single core processors, although it may be possible to run on single-core Pentium 4 processors with Hyper Threading enabled, with noticably reduced image quality/experience."
The game will use a separate processing thread dedicated to physical calculations. Since Remedy is using Havok, there is no support for Ageia PhysX cards, so all the physical calculations are done using the CPU. Markus has explained that a normal Core 2 Quad will use 80% of one core for physical calculations.
Is the 360 version going to be identical in graphics to the PC version?
The 360 only has 3 cores but according to mixuk from Remedy it shouldn't matter.
"Having several cores helps, but is not required, since you can run several processes on one thread. In the current plans the PC and 360 versions will be pretty identical.
Also, we stream necessary data to memory when needed, the whole world will not be loaded into memory constantly. It's the same idea that was already in GTA3 for PS2, remember, it only had 32mb."
Alan Wake is expected to run at at least 30 frames per second on the Xbox 360.
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