Im VERY serious!
These are BRAND NEW Games. Jericho, CmC Dirt - the list goes on! :shock:
Its great being a PC Gamer :D
edit* A Double confirmation and explanation:
"Didn't quite believe the news yesterday, so thought I'd check with Gametap. Surely they couldn't be offering all of Codemasters new/upcoming titles, games like Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, Clive Barker's Jericho, DiRT and Overlord, for free? Seems they are, with Gametap confirming today that yes, as long as you're willing to put up with the odd commercial here and there, you can play them all for free on their ad-supported section.
We all like to **** and moan about the negative effects of advertising on gaming. I know I do. Let's pause then for a second and give thanks for a rare instance where it's actually going to help you out."
(link not working)
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