[QUOTE="Sleepyz"] Getting whole new pc. e6700 with 2gigs ram 800mhz, 2x 500gig Hd's The mb i picked as SLI, can hold 8gigs of ram, can take quad core, ect.. (thinking of future) And Vista Premium would just be installed i wouldn't have the cd's for it.
And thought the 8800gts 640 would be best with my new 22" lcd 1680x1050 resolution.
Anyway computer adds up to 2000 Canadian right now. Kinda steep.RayvinAzn
2x500MB of space? I highly doubt you need that much storage on your computer. You could likely save a hell of a lot of money by halving that space to a 2x250GB drive configuration. Unless you're a video editor or a professional musician/graphic artist, you won't need that much space - and even then you'd be much better served with a RAID 1 setup. The E6700 isn't a bad processor either, but the E6600 has the same amount of cache and only 260MHz less speed and save you over $100 CAD.
The 640MB 8800GTS does seem like a better choice though - texture-heavy games are becoming more and more predominant, so more Video RAM is likely going to be the best way to go. Still, if your budget does get stretched thin, the 320MB 8800GTS certainly isn't terrible.
For the case, I'm not a fan of the X-Navigator - only for aesthetic reasons though, so if you like the case, go for it. The cooling in there isn't terrible or anything. That power supply probably needs to be replaced - if it's the one that came with the case, you want a new, quality unit. Corsair, PC Power & Cooling, Seasonic, Enermax, Enhance, OCZ, Topower and Silverstone all offer high-quality units in the 500-650w range, which definitely warrant your attention for powering a rig like yours. Many of those units are easily efficient enough to run an SLI setup with two 8800GTS cards, which will even take care of your worries for the future of your setup.
listen to him, he helped me buy the parts for my new computer. :D
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