We don't need a trailer :P Lot of people played the beta and say that the story sucks.GeneralShowzer
Anyone who is lookign for a AAA story in a crysis game needs to find another game to play bud.
It has great gameplay, amazing sound, great graphics, awesome controls and godo atmosphere. Story isnt something it sets out to do.
Sure I need a good story in an rpg but for FPS its not as important to me if everything else in the game is top notch.
As long as the campaign in crysis2 is fun and as good as the first one then Ill be happy. Spent over 150 hours on Crysis campaign, had differnt experiences each time I played it.
Alot of people also played the beta and were blown away by the campaign and preordered the game right after. Thats from a workprint/beta version also, not the full version.
There are actually alot of people who didnt like Crysis 1 an dwho were not going to buy Crysis2, until beign blown away by a unfinished beta version.
So see it can go both ways in the whole "People played the beta and said story sucks" type thing.
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