You should always tell what model and brand of Tv.
A good calibration should do wonders and will make you appreciate your tv much much more, trust me.Turn off anything like edge enhancment or noise reduction (they have different names depending on the brand) or any of the picture enhancers likeblack level or dynamic contrast.
Also you said 37" so it'sobviously anLCD. (hate backlighting and motion blur) Some people are ok with LCDs shortcomings... not me though.
My thoughts exactly. I'm surprised no one else suggested this before.
To the OP, have you or your roommate even tried calibrating your new HDTV or did you just hook it up & let it rip? Because if that's the case, then that's more than like what's up w/ your tv. HDTV aren't like SDTV were you can just plug it in right out the box & be on your way. With any and all HDTVs you have to truly calibrate your settings to suit your viewing/gaming tastes. Also, if it's the gaming side of things you're having issues w/ the most, you'd might want to also look into your 360's audio/video settings and adjust those accordingly. Just because your system recognizes you have a HDMI hookup doesn't mean that specific settings don't need to be changed/tweaked. This is especially so if you upgrading from SD to HD.
I remember when I first got my HDTV it took me a few good tries (w/ calibrating) between going back & forth w/ my PS3 (hooked into one HDMI port) & my Directv HDDVR (hooked into the other port) before everything looked 'just right'. Luckily what made it a bit easier for me was having a few bluray movies that actually had a special built-in mode that helped me calibrate my tv. Hell, if you have cable or satellite & you get some HD channels try tuning into those and then use that as a basis for tweaking you picture quality (if you don't/can't get to a bluray player or PS3), that may help as well.
Of should also be noted (as others have mentioned) the brand and quality of your tv also plays a roll in how good you'll be able to get it looking as well. If you only sprung for the lowest-end, no-name brand, then to be frank....don't expect much 'wowness'.
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