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Yeah you could run Windows through a virtual machine but I would imagine performance would suffer if you tried to run resource intensive programs like games. I have to agree wtih others that you would be better off buying a Windows PC for gaming purposes.
The games you listed wont run on Mac OSX.
Most are probably running "Boot Camp" which creates a second partition for Windows. You'll still need a legit copy of windows to install.There is a small performance hit I believe, but it will allow you to play PC games. I still think it's a mistake... they are incredibly overpriced.
Is your school requiring a Mac or something?
Hmmm then how is that I've seen macs run games really well?Papaya69They can run games perfectly fine, but there's only a tiny amount of games that run on them. You can buy crossover and run windows games on a Mac/Linux, but it doesn't work perfectly, also you can run windows games through Wine in Linux... but that can be tedious. If you want to play games properly on a Mac, then you'll need to dual boot Windows, which requires you to buy Windows, so why the hell did you buy a Mac if you're going to run Windows? There's pretty much no reason to ever own a mac, it's just a waste of money (Linux is free, and doesn't support gaming{natively}! :D {ubuntu is actually very nice})
Yes... for giggles I looked up the Mac Book Pro 15" with the 2.2ghz you mentioned, and with the base integrated 3000 graphics, it's $2200. It shows the 6750 in the comments for the laptop, so I don't know if it's included in the price or if it's an additional amount...
Then, I went to dell and customized an XPS laptop with the same processor, and an equivalant video card (Nvidia 550 / 555M). The price? $1200. That includes windows. Unless your school requires you to purchase a Mac, i really wouldn't :(
I am. Your point is invalid.there are 2 types of people in the world, you have to choose one, you cant be both
2.Mac owners
Well the things is I want a Mac for school (not required) because of quality, portability, and battery life. But at the same time I'd like to play some gamesPapaya69You can get PC's that are better quality, portability and similar battery life for cheaper than a mac. If your gaming your battery life whether it be a mac or a PC is going to be shotty at best. Asus makes high quality laptops (I'd say better than mac) for cheaper cost, shop around before you buy. Mac honestly doesn't have any better quality than most computer companies, they just have a better marketing department to make you think that they do.
Macs are for people who think that spending $3000 on an iMac is getting them more than spending $1500 on a PC build.
Well the things is I want a Mac for school (not required) because of quality, portability, and battery life. But at the same time I'd like to play some gamesPapaya69no.... you want a mac because right now they are the "in thing" with college students, all the while providing no extra benefit, portability, or battery life compared to a similar specced, MUCH less expensive PC. admit it, the only reason you want a mac is because of the image factor.... i get really tired of people trying to justify mac laptops, especially college students. there is absolutely no working reason to buy a mac laptop unless your program requires it, or you consider yourself a hardcore digital media editor (of which there are programs that are just as good on PC FYI). The only reason there is to buy a mac is if you simply prefer OSX to Windows 7/XP. that is ALL.
[QUOTE="Papaya69"]Well the things is I want a Mac for school (not required) because of quality, portability, and battery life. But at the same time I'd like to play some gamesRoland123_basicno.... you want a mac because right now they are the "in thing" with college students, all the while providing no extra benefit, portability, or battery life compared to a similar specced, MUCH less expensive PC. admit it, the only reason you want a mac is because of the image factor.... i get really tired of people trying to justify mac laptops, especially college students. there is absolutely no working reason to buy a mac laptop unless your program requires it, or you consider yourself a hardcore digital media editor (of which there are programs that are just as good on PC FYI). The only reason there is to buy a mac is if you simply prefer OSX to Windows 7/XP. that is ALL.You hit the nail in the hole with your first sentance. I don't understand why people would by Macs. I admit it's "cool" to own one, cause everyone has it... but lets be honest. Not everything thats popular is good. Justin beiber, Transformers films...
My school doesn't require a mac, but I want it because there's really few other laptops like it. Good quality, ultra portability AND 7+ hours battery life without a bulky extended battery? I learned from this past year that the Mac is almost everything I need in a laptop. Yes Macs are expensive but that's probably because there's few other laptops that can compete with it, so it can't be considered "overpriced" because I doubt there's another brand of laptop that can offer the same bu at a lower price. Maybe when only talking in terms of gaming, its overpriced, in which case I might be at the wrong place to ask this question. I would say that as of now, I'm a mac owner, but I also wanna play games. So how much extra would it cost to dualboot windows? I have a PC now that can play games well, so would it be cheaper to have 2 laptops? One for general use and the other for gaming?Papaya69
You went to an apple store didn't you and you were sucked in by all the hype and the bimbos that ahhh and ohhh over it and thought I can't afford that Porsche but....
Now the battery life and protability thats BS there are Win lappys and tablets that get that and are 1/2 the price. The true gaming laps are going to be a desktop replacement and really aren't made to be portable. There are few laps that can compete with the price true because it's overpriced and overhyped - It's cool be the proud owner of a glorified word processor and calculator that gets the girls attention.
The real gamer's avoid the noid - remember that theres a bite out of the apple for a reason.
Now go get that ipad 2 cause it's phat. Oh snap
"My school doesn't require a mac, but I want it because there's really few other laptops like it. Good quality, ultra portability AND 7+ hours battery life without a bulky extended battery? I learned from this past year that the Mac is almost everything I need in a laptop. Yes Macs are expensive but that's probably because there's few other laptops that can compete with it, so it can't be considered "overpriced" because I doubt there's another brand of laptop that can offer the same bu at a lower price. Maybe when only talking in terms of gaming, its overpriced, in which case I might be at the wrong place to ask this question. I would say that as of now, I'm a mac owner, but I also wanna play games. So how much extra would it cost to dualboot windows? I have a PC now that can play games well, so would it be cheaper to have 2 laptops? One for general use and the other for gaming?"
You went to an apple store didn't you and you were sucked in by all the hype and the bimbos that ahhh and ohhh over it and thought I can't afford that Porsche but....
Now the battery life and protability thats BS there are Win lappys and tablets that get that and are 1/2 the price. The true gaming laps are going to be a desktop replacement and really aren't made to be portable. There are few laps that can compete with the price true because it's overpriced and overhyped - It's cool be the proud owner of a glorified word processor and calculator that gets the girls attention.
The real gamer's avoid the noid - remember that theres a bite out of the apple for a reason.
Now go get that ipad 2 cause it's phat. Oh snap
From OT, I think this is appropriate for this thread...
"How much more does it cost to dual boot windows?"
The same as the cost of windows /facedesk. You have to buy windows, that's the requirement.
Ill say buy one, Youtube video of macbooks playing games. They run Crysis & splintercell conviction with no problem
My school doesn't require a mac, but I want it because there's really few other laptops like it. Good quality, ultra portability AND 7+ hours battery life without a bulky extended battery? I learned from this past year that the Mac is almost everything I need in a laptop. Yes Macs are expensive but that's probably because there's few other laptops that can compete with it, so it can't be considered "overpriced" because I doubt there's another brand of laptop that can offer the same bu at a lower price. Maybe when only talking in terms of gaming, its overpriced, in which case I might be at the wrong place to ask this question. I would say that as of now, I'm a mac owner, but I also wanna play games. So how much extra would it cost to dualboot windows? I have a PC now that can play games well, so would it be cheaper to have 2 laptops? One for general use and the other for gaming?Papaya69
Listen we've already given you every reasonable argument not to buy a mac if you just remotely plan on playing games. If you're absolutely still going to argue, you've already made up your mind, but just know that everyone on this forum thinks buying a mac is a mistake. And for the record, do you have ANY idea how many compatabillity problems macs have pc's?
Macbook pro is a good laptop, if your using windows for anything but gaming, your doing it wrong. Linux and Osx ar far superior, I have 3 linux laptops, a macbook pro, an i7 27 inch imac and an i7 gaming rig with windows 7.
Best not to listen to the haters who know nothing about anything but windows.
This is how it is, ANY laptop is not a great idea for gaming, wether it's a mac an alienware or some random brand.
Laptops get very hot when gaming, fans make alot of noise, keyboards are screens are so great for gaming.
If you HAVE to use a laptop for gaming then any brand is fine, the only downside to gaming on the macbook is you have to install bootcamp and apple doesn't update the gpu drivers as fast as nvidia/amd, this problem can apply to many laptops.
ok well then, does anyone have an example of a PC laptop that can offer everything a mac can but at a cheaper price? I really learned from personal experience: countless times when I'm at the library or somewhere where I wish I had my laptop but due to my laptop's less-than-3-hour battery life, it can hardly leave my room. There's no "hype" in macs, it is what most people need. and if dualbooting windows is expensive, would it be easier to just have 2 laptops? One for gaming and one for everything else?Papaya69
Oy vey....Are you trolling? There is mindless hype surrounding Apple products, don't even try to deny that.
Look up the price of windows vista/7, that's how much it is to dual boot, I'm not doing that for you.
Configure it to what you want, it can be better than that mac, for less.
Plenty of laptops there (clearly is where I got the above link), and someone else already told you to go there, guess it's too hard to copy paste links...
The batteries in a Mac aren't magic, they're the same batteries everyone else uses, no laptop running a game is going to last long, but they'll all last a good bit if you're not doing cpu/gpu intensive tasks.
And NO it's not better just to have two, buying two laptops is Obviously more expensive than buying an operating system.
Your hunch was right, this thread is in the wrong place. This belongs in the PC Hardware board. This board is only for dicussion on PC software.
TC, for the price of the macbook you could just spring for the Alienware m17x r3 with a radeon 6970. Mine was exactly 2k, which ended up being much cheaper than the 17" mac book pro and being a little bit under the 15" but with much better hardware and I can attest that the build quality it great, magnesium alloy chassis and a very thick plastic for the inside. If you have money to burn then spring for the m18x and go all out on a monster lol.
The reason Macs are not good for gaming is because not to many games are programmed to run on the Mac OS and are developed for windows. Some are right from the get go like Star Craft 2 and Dragon Age 2, but then some like the Witcher 2 are only supported by a Windows OS.
The macbook will run games, look up benchmarks for that card. From what I have heard is that it's an ok card, don't plan on running to many new games on high. Usually laptop video cards one card lower in that series compared to there number. For example, my 6970m is a 6850 desktop card. So your 6700 series card would probobly be close to whatever is the next card down for desktop cards.
Asus is also another decent brand and you can usually find the 5870m or the GTX 460m in them for 2k and under. The notebook forums might be a good place to check out. Its where many other users of various brand laptops run benchmarks and discuss their laptops.
Also like to add that if I switch from my 6970m to the sandybridge intergraded gpu, I can pull 4 hours with the screen at max brightness and on a balanced powerplan, if you lower the brightness it's been said to get around 5, which is fantastic for a 17" laptop, it also only weighs around 9 to 10 pounds.
So you knew as you were posting this that it was in the wrong forum but you did it anyway???...........Amazing
Dude I have a macbook 15" and run games alright. I would recommend running installing windows and duel boot to run games via bootcamp since games just run better in windows. The other issue is the 6750M isn't the greatest graphics card in the world but it works fine. If you like it go for it. To I use it for development in computer science class it works great
Oy vey. Papaya, just go throw your money away. Those batteries in the linked laptops are probably rated by under load, unlike the mac, which is on light load. They are the same size, and last just as long on a charge.
The OS that mac has is incompatible with the vast majority of games. And when you buy a mac, you buy a badge and an os, that's why it's 2200$ for something that should be ~1100$ with the same hardware, and for 1500$ is a good bit better.
But don't listen to me, or anyone, you're not bothering to anyway, just throw your money out the nearest window.
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