Both, eventually.
But for starting out, I'd probably say Dota2. Communication is easier (mics), mechanics translate over to League, characters are more diverse (or feel that way, anyway). Also, character is free to play and not locked behind amount of time played.
Lastly, the way the Spectate and replay features work, it's much easier to watch other players play and learn from what they're doing or not doing.
It will take awhile. Expect too put in 500+ hours before you're competent...but it's fun once you get the hang of it.
@SKaREO said:
If you want Twitch.TV viewers and a professional gaming atmosphere, go with League of Legends. If you just want a casual MOBA to play for fun, choose Dota 2.
and don't listen to this guy.
Both provide a "professional gaming atmosphere" on Twitch as both games have pro tournaments going on daily. Both can be played more casually if preferred. League can be a bit more casual and approachable since some of the in-game mechanics are easier to deal with...but the learning tools aren't as well designed as Dota2's (again, replays and in-game spectating are both far superior to LoL's offerings).
You can actually spectate Dota2 professional matches in the game client itself and observe each individual player, various stats and graphs, even view it through their eyes with their mouse clicks. With League...your only option most of the time is to watch on Twitch and you'll never have access to pro match replays so you can learn what they're doing. You have no control of the camera of any kind. Not the case in Dota2. Dota2 is truly the best game for learning how to play MOBAs.
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