I'd say screw them both. Why would you want to pay to play. Sure you get new content and what not but both those games have major faults. That being that they take waaaaaaaaay to much time to accomplish the high end stuff.
World of Warcraft is great but eventually the dungeons get longer, harder, and require better players. Plus to do the best dungeons you need 25 people in high level gear and reputation. Which requires weeks, months, maybe even years.
I'd say stay clear of MMO's. Me being a veteran of beta testing and playing almost all the major one's too. In the end I just felt like playing casual games was the best bet.
With your new rig i'd say check out www.unleashthefury.com. You can download the pre beta for free at www.fileplanet.com. I believe the best games have no online fee.
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