That's where I stopped reading. Go play Crysis using Doom's tech. Go limit someone's creative vision.
Go ahead and ignore the ability to switch to the classic version, and ignore the fact that it was a successful RELAUNCH of a series - mainly a promotional instrument for Tales of Monkey Island. Which are developed by Telltale in collaboration with *gasp* LucasArts. A company that was famous for games like MI and Lucidity before the Star Wars craze.
So, better graphics makes better game eh? That's, uh, nice. Of course it's good that graphics have improved over the years but it should never ever be the priority. A good game with absolutely crap graphics is a good game, and a bad game with amazing graphics is still, you know, a bad game.
So what if you can switch to the classic version? Who cares about it it since the graphics suck lol :roll: AND IT STILL DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT IT'S THE SAME FRIGGIN GAME I PLAYED ALMOST 20 YEARS AGO. Relaunch? More like Lucasarts trying to cash in some more. Why would I pay again for a game I already have? TOMI has very little to do with Lucasarts, other than the fact that they own it. Everything in TOMI is done by Telltale, while Lucasarts keeps milking the Star Wars cow and now the remake cow. Bet we'll see more remakes of old Lucasarts games, because they know they can't make good games anymore so they'll just keep releasing their old games - WITH SHIIIINNY GRAPHIIXXXXX. Kinda like Croteam, now there's another dev which sucks hard these days. And now that I think of it, there isn't a single dev left from the 90's and early 00's who is still good. Everyone is either dead or making casual garbage on Xbox.
It took me to get my recent work thrashed too see an emotion from humans that I see creates a flaw in the world. Have you ever wonder, and just thought for once, that these games are made by, well other human beings like you bud. We all play games for different reasons, either art, technicals, story and so many more elements that are inputted into videogames.I do wait for the day when tools become very simplified so every person/gamer will have a shot to make their own games to fully understand the share difficulties in creating, in result people can have a much better appreciation for creativity.
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