New screens showing off new area with much less color:
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looks......very unimpressive for a game that has spent 3 ( or was it 4? ) years in development.....Jinroh_basic
Blizzard's games aren't suppose to be technically impressive....
and it takes them all those years and resources to.....?
anyway, i'm not really concerned with the graphics as long as it works. it's the gameplay that matters.
and it takes them all those years and resources to.....?Jinroh_basic
to do a completely new Campaign with RPG Elements, Story, CGI cinematics, Gameplay, Balance, big update, optimizing Engine, polishing Graphics to look good and dont require too much power, probably doing some of the best Musics in a Game yet again and rest little stuff like Interface etc. and pretty much everything of that gets redone like 5 times to make it perfect.
Looks a lot like Warcraft 3 with smaller units and shinier textures to me, graphically.
But the game's gonna be awesome regardless.
[QUOTE="Jinroh_basic"]and it takes them all those years and resources to.....?Tuzolord
to do a completely new Campaign with RPG Elements, Story, CGI cinematics, Gameplay, Balance, big update, optimizing Engine, polishing Graphics to look good and dont require too much power, probably doing some of the best Musics in a Game yet again and rest little stuff like Interface etc. and pretty much everything of that gets redone like 5 times to make it perfect.
we know next to nothing about gameplay besides the fact that it's using the exact SAME factions with a number a additions and modifications slapped on them. if you wanna believe that developing SC2 is real hard work ( when many other major RTSs spend significantly less time to develop and actually has more innovations ), be my guest. but i'm not buying that, sorry.
we know next to nothing about gameplay besides the fact that it's using the exact SAME factions with a number a additions and modifications slapped on them. if you wanna believe that developing SC2 is real hard work ( when many other major RTSs spend significantly less time to develop and actually has more innovations ), be my guest. but i'm not buying that, sorry.
You can't say that balancing the game is easy, can you? The only game to have perfect balance was SC1 and that took YEARS.
we know next to nothing about gameplay besides the fact that it's using the exact SAME factions with a number a additions and modifications slapped on them. if you wanna believe that developing SC2 is real hard work ( when many other major RTSs spend significantly less time to develop and actually has more innovations ), be my guest. but i'm not buying that, sorry.
Yea but no other game has been as successful as SC1 and its impressive that the game has stood up agianst the test of time. I wonder why????
And yea im really not likeing the art direction SC2 is taking.
It's nice to see that bashing the most consistently great PC game developer perhaps ever is still trendy.SpaceMoose
It's not really bashing the game. Some people, me included, are just not agreeing with the art style that SCII has taken, it's not like we signed a petition for it though (God I hope they don't start one).
It's not really bashing the game. Some people, me included, are just not agreeing with the art style that SCII has taken, it's not like we signed a petition for it though (God I hope they don't start one).
Well, what got me to post that actually was this epic whine:
we know next to nothing about gameplay besides the fact that it's using the exact SAME factions with a number a additions and modifications slapped on them. if you wanna believe that developing SC2 is real hard work ( when many other major RTSs spend significantly less time to develop and actually has more innovations ), be my guest. but i'm not buying that, sorry.
That's right. Developing Starcraft 2 is a piece of cake. Hell, my dog could do it. The only reason that every game Blizzard puts out wins awards is that every gaming publication is full of spoiled *cough* Blizzard fanboys who don't know what the REAL good games are. You heard it here first.
You see, what Blizzard really needs to do is just make an entirely different game that happens to be set in space and slap the name Starcraft on it and then it will sell millions. The should probably make like 50 factions. I mean, sure probably ten of them will play similarly to each other, but who cares as long as they have a nice big impressive looking number, right? Blizzard, you need to get your act together and stop churning out triple A title after triple A title and start doing whatever the chronic complainers tell you to do. Then you'll really be in business.
[QUOTE="Fuzzy_Bear123"]It's not really bashing the game. Some people, me included, are just not agreeing with the art style that SCII has taken, it's not like we signed a petition for it though (God I hope they don't start one).
Well, what got me to post that actually was this epic whine:
we know next to nothing about gameplay besides the fact that it's using the exact SAME factions with a number a additions and modifications slapped on them. if you wanna believe that developing SC2 is real hard work ( when many other major RTSs spend significantly less time to develop and actually has more innovations ), be my guest. but i'm not buying that, sorry.
That's right. Developing Starcraft 2 is a piece of cake. Hell, my dog could do it. The only reason that every game Blizzard puts out wins awards is that every gaming publication is full of spoiled *cough* Blizzard fanboys who don't know what the REAL good games are. You heard it here first.
You see, what Blizzard really needs to do is just make an entirely different game that happens to be set in space and slap the name Starcraft on it and then it will sell millions. The should probably make like 50 factions. I mean, sure probably ten of them will play similarly to each other, but who cares as long as they have a nice big impressive looking number, right? Blizzard, you need to get your act together and stop churning out triple A title after triple A title and start doing whatever the chronic complainers tell you to do. Then you'll really be in business.
the funny thing is, you didn't even TRY to counter the points that i've put forth. maybe you don't, maybe you CAN'T, i don't know and i don't care. the fact remains that, first, SC2 recycles the exact same factions in the original game with only a handful of modifications and new units; 2nd, the graphic engine is competant but not nearly impressive enough; 3rd, many equally impressive RTS titles have spent significantly less time to develop and guess what? they are more innovative.
but to be honest, i can't say i'm surprised. becoz there's some truth in what you said afterall -- somewhere along the line many Blizz fanboys have stopped applying logical standard and started worshipping the brand name blindly. now if you guys wanna get together to high-five each other over SC2, go right ahead and have fun. excuse me. ;)
[QUOTE="SpaceMoose"][QUOTE="Fuzzy_Bear123"]It's not really bashing the game. Some people, me included, are just not agreeing with the art style that SCII has taken, it's not like we signed a petition for it though (God I hope they don't start one).
Well, what got me to post that actually was this epic whine:
we know next to nothing about gameplay besides the fact that it's using the exact SAME factions with a number a additions and modifications slapped on them. if you wanna believe that developing SC2 is real hard work ( when many other major RTSs spend significantly less time to develop and actually has more innovations ), be my guest. but i'm not buying that, sorry.
That's right. Developing Starcraft 2 is a piece of cake. Hell, my dog could do it. The only reason that every game Blizzard puts out wins awards is that every gaming publication is full of spoiled *cough* Blizzard fanboys who don't know what the REAL good games are. You heard it here first.
You see, what Blizzard really needs to do is just make an entirely different game that happens to be set in space and slap the name Starcraft on it and then it will sell millions. The should probably make like 50 factions. I mean, sure probably ten of them will play similarly to each other, but who cares as long as they have a nice big impressive looking number, right? Blizzard, you need to get your act together and stop churning out triple A title after triple A title and start doing whatever the chronic complainers tell you to do. Then you'll really be in business.
the funny thing is, you didn't even TRY to counter the points that i've put forth. maybe you don't, maybe you CAN'T, i don't know and i don't care. the fact remains that, first, SC2 recycles the exact same factions in the original game with only a handful of modifications and new units; 2nd, the graphic engine is competant but not nearly impressive enough; 3rd, many equally impressive RTS titles have spent significantly less time to develop and guess what? they are more innovative.
but to be honest, i can't say i'm surprised. becoz there's some truth in what you said afterall -- somewhere along the line many Blizz fanboys have stopped applying logical standard and started worshipping the brand name blindly. now if you guys wanna get together to high-five each other over SC2, go right ahead and have fun. excuse me. ;)
Inovation does not equel to good.
The gameplay in SC works great, so they don't have to change a lot, they just have to change enough.
Also its funny that you talk about innovation like its extreamly important yet you have a CoD 4 avatar.
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