I have played rpg's and then on to mmo's all my life and really never done the FPS games, but me and a few of my mmo buddies want to start playing something that has good online features (online pvp and possibly a mulit-player story mode). There doesnt seem to be alot of info-or I just dont know where to look- for alot of the games that have my interest as far at the story mode part, but anyway here is a few games I was looking at- if someone can throw me a few opinions on what i'm getting myself and my buddies into online community wise and just overall will really help with the decision.
F.E.A.R. 2
COD4 and kind of wondering which is more active online WAW or the original cod4
CRYSIS- i'm not even sure if there is an online mode for this
Again any info to help a few fps newbies have a good experience in thier first real investment toward the genre will be greatly apprieciated!
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