im worried, because the witcher is the last rpg game to come out till end of next year...
i aint counting space siege (stupid game).
anyway can someone tell me about any real rpg games been developed? (real as obvillion gothic witcher and so).
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im worried, because the witcher is the last rpg game to come out till end of next year...
i aint counting space siege (stupid game).
anyway can someone tell me about any real rpg games been developed? (real as obvillion gothic witcher and so).
im worried, because the witcher is the last rpg game to come out till end of next year...
i aint counting space siege (stupid game).
anyway can someone tell me about any real rpg games been developed? (real as obvillion gothic witcher and so).
2 Words: Dragon Age
By Non Other then: BIOWARE
We don't get many sci-fi RPG's so Space Siege sounds interesting. However, knowing how dumbed down and boring Dungeon Siege was, I thinkthis game will probably be the same.
We don't get many sci-fi RPG's so Space Siege sounds interesting. However, knowing how dumbed down and boring Dungeon Siege was, I thinkthis game will probably be the same.
sci-fi = mass effect..but that also is in 2008 or beginning of 2009 i :(
[QUOTE="BlackAlpha666"]We don't get many sci-fi RPG's so Space Siege sounds interesting. However, knowing how dumbed down and boring Dungeon Siege was, I thinkthis game will probably be the same.
sci-fi = mass effect..but that also is in 2008 or beginning of 2009 i :(
Nope Mass Effect comes out in 13 days! Well for 360 that is...... can......t......wait........[QUOTE="kirk4ever"][QUOTE="BlackAlpha666"]We don't get many sci-fi RPG's so Space Siege sounds interesting. However, knowing how dumbed down and boring Dungeon Siege was, I thinkthis game will probably be the same.
sci-fi = mass effect..but that also is in 2008 or beginning of 2009 i :(
Nope Mass Effect comes out in 13 days! Well for 360 that is...... can......t......wait........i know..i meant for PC...
Great RPGs have never exactly been a dime a dozen. Dragon Age is probaby the next potentially great PC RPG, as well as the PC version of Mass Effect - if that's even coming.
After that, not too much on the horizon. There's Fallout 3 which may or may not be godawful, and Afterfall looks promising.
Plus it's worth acknowledging that unless CDprojekt gets tied into a console version of The Witcher, they will almost certainly start work on The Witcher 2 or an expsansion. And no matter which it is, their experience making the first game, plus how much of it they can reuse (without seeming cheap) means they can probably bang another gameout much quicker than it took them to make the first game.
There's quite a lot of good stuff to look forward to, just takes patience.
Great RPGs have never exactly been a dime a dozen. Dragon Age is probaby the next potentially great PC RPG, as well as the PC version of Mass Effect - if that's even coming.
After that, not too much on the horizon. There's Fallout 3 which may or may not be godawful, and Afterfall looks promising.
Plus it's worth acknowledging that unless CDprojekt gets tied into a console version of The Witcher, they will almost certainly start work on The Witcher 2 or an expsansion.
There's quite a lot of good stuff to look forward to, just takes patience.
Yeah, I wish devs could focus a little more on deep RPGs and less on RTSs (they do not interest me at all, which is a shame) and generic shootes with bad stories (Jericho and Timeshift are two examples). I've yet to play a recent RPG that's better than Kotor or Morrowind (2003 and 2002). Although Two Worlds and Gothic 3 are not as bad as people say they are, they are not in the same league as the above-mentioned games. Oblivion was fun for a while, but that did not last. Have not played Witcher yet, I hope it's the best RPG in a while.
(FFS, why can't I write c l a s s i c s? I get censored.)
[QUOTE="RazorGR"]I wouldn't put all my hopes on Dragon Age just yet. EA will probably want to dumb it down to appeal to a larger audience and port it to consoles. kirk4ever
sh$%^ i forgot that ea bought Bioware :( but still i hope and believe bioware delivers
Well, EA was mainly interested in their MMORPG, although there's absolutely nothing known about it. So it seems EA will just use Bioware's "ZOMG, KOTTOR & MAZZ EFFECTZ ZOMG" reputation and use that to get millions of innocent (or maybe not so) childrens and adults alike to pay lots of money and sit in their dark unclean rooms for 24/7.
Or maybe they'll bring about a revolution in MMO gaming (like Tabula Rasa? :D ).
Or (hopefully) Dragon Age production wil continue as planned and EA keeps their dirty claws off of it.
Oh i'm sure, I played the beta and thought it was crap. There may be some people that'll enjoy it though. I loved Diablo 2 so naturally I thought i'd have fun with Hellgate but I didn't. It was uninspired, the gameplay is mind-numbingly repetitive (even more so than Diablo 2 imo) and at times a little buggy, voice acting is crap, the graphics aren't that great, animations are akward. Basically there wasn't anything I enjoyed about it. I guess the atmosphere was okay. I think if they would have made it an overhead clickfest like Diablo with better graphics instead of some wannabe third person action game it would have come out a lot better.
Save your money and pick up the Witcher. Or if you don't mind dated graphics pick up some classics like the Baldur's Gate series along with Planescape Torment. It'll cost less than Hellgate and you'll get over 200+ hours of quality gameplay.
it does seem very quiet on the RPG front for PCs, at least on the single player front (theres an MMORPG released every day nearly :P). unfortunately most of the PCs finest RPG devs jumped ship or went out of business :(. still hopefully we get a few more surprises in the not to distant future from new upstarts. markets there though, hopefully a publisher gets their act together and tries to fill said market.
[QUOTE="LaNoOm"]Ummm....Hellgate London....kirk4ever
the monthly is too much for me or else i would have bought it..its a good game ....its average FOr me..for some its great for some its awesome..
There's no mandatory monthly charge. You have the option to pay $10 bucks a month (That's less then 50 Cents a day) for extra content.
I think the major problem with Hellgate was people were expecting an MMORPG. It's neither an MMO, nor an RPG. It's more of a limited-multiplayerthird-person-shooter. I love it. I can see how it could get boring really fast, but I play with my brother and g/f, so it keeps it more interesting. Not to mention, I love cooperative action games, especially when there's advancement and gear upgrades involved.
im worried, because the witcher is the last rpg game to come out till end of next year...
i aint counting space siege (stupid game).
anyway can someone tell me about any real rpg games been developed? (real as obvillion gothic witcher and so).
Ya know...If you're really hurting for an RPG, I'd recommend picking up Neverwinter Nights 2 and check out some of the user-made adventures. There's some awesome stuff. And you know what's better then playing a user-made adventure? Making your own! Seriously, it's great fun. The NWN2 toolset is pretty easy to use too.
There's the Alien RPG being made at Obsidian.
The next non Gothic game from Piranha Bytes.
Divine Divinity 2, Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Drakensang, Mass Effect will probably be ported to PC.Not much else for SP RPGs. I wish Troika was still alive and made another Vampire game.
Space Siege crap game?Good God son don't count out a game just cause it has "siege" in it's name and is the spiritual sccseor to the (awesome) Dungeon siege worried, because the witcher is the last rpg game to come out till end of next year...
i aint counting space siege (stupid game).
anyway can someone tell me about any real rpg games been developed? (real as obvillion gothic witcher and so).
ah I have faith in RPG's survival... but I do acknowlage that RPG's are mutating... if that is good or bad, depends on the choises made.
The Old school rpg's does seem to be getting alot rarer, and I notice they rarely score very high by reviewers...
Still havent found a single gametype I like more then old school RPG's I just want more freedom in them (not free roaming, but the ability to make choices that matches your chr... I always hated the "youre the hero" treatment)
Yeah, one would think that it will be a great year for RPG fans with Dragon Age and Fallout3 ..but with EA and Bethesda in controls...Ugh..:( I can only imagine all the horrible possibilities, Oblivion with guns, and Bioware hack'n'slash for console tards are phrases that pop in to my mind. But lets hope for the best, I would still be surprised if either of these is even half the RPG The Witcher is.
Alien RPG could be good, but Obsidian isn't really known for technical masterpieces, and the multiplat aspect kinda casts a shadow on the whole project. Space Siege, while I'm a big DS fan and think this will be great, it still isn't a real RPG but an action-RPG like Diablo.
I think the problem Obsidian has had with both KOTOR 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2 was that they weren't given enough time to finish the games by the publishers. Both games were great in my opinon, and could have been classics. It's just that NWN2 had quite a few game breaking bugs and KOTOR 2 was just unfinished...they had to hastily put an ending together and get it out the doors on time without tying up certain plot lines and leaving portions of the game out, such as the HK factory.
I think once Obsidian is given a chance to build a new franchise from the very first game up rather than having sequels dumped on them, that's when they'll really shine. I mean these ARE some of the guys responsible for the Baldur's Gate series, possibly the greatest PC RPG franchise of all time.
Anyways i'm looking forward to Dragon Age, Sacred 2, and Divine Divinty 2. Never played the original, might give that a try once i'm done with Mask of the Betrayer and The Witcher. Also heard Two Worlds is decent.
There really seems to be a lack of promising RPG games for every platform. There's a few out there though..
Upcoming RPGs for PC:
-Dragon Age
-Guild Wars 2
-Sacred 2
-Fallout 3
Edit: Forgot about Divine Divinity 2 as well.
Plus a few upcoming MMORPGs if you're into that kinda game. Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, as well as Wrath of The Lich King
I think once Obsidian is given a chance to build a new franchise from the very first game up rather than having sequels dumped on them, that's when they'll really shine. I mean these ARE some of the guys responsible for the Baldur's Gate series, possibly the greatest PC RPG franchise of all time.
It's Bioware who developed the Baldur's Gate series. Black Isle, which many people at Obsidian are from, was the publisher.
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