I was like you trying a lot of the free ones before I tried P2P ones. They were technically open betas, but some of them lasted years in beta.
Mu Online - I remember the first time I could afford a full set of Dragon +6 armor or whatever it was that started glowing. Also the sound of bless jewel dropping and everyone scrambling to steal it.
Kal Online - I didn't get too far in this game but remember you got an egg that could hatch into a pet. It was weird because the egg gained experience over time as long as you were logged in. This meant everyone just afked 24/7 to get the most xp.
Risk Your Life - I played this one the longest. I got to level 60 or so on the Malaysia server before switching to the American closed beta. Then I was a volunteer GM for a few months. They switched to RYL 2 right before release. It was a lot better than RYL 1, but WoW had already released and was better in pretty much every way.
Flyff - Another one I didn't play a whole lot. I got to around level 40 before it started to get really grindy. I remember an area with a bunch of pumpkin head guys. I liked the original skill system. It was like Elder Scrolls where the more you use a skill, the better it got. Then they changed it to old Everquest style.
After that I mostly just played WoW. Ever since 2005 I have been working and can afford the monthly fees. I don't play WoW regularly anymore but still sub occasionally for a month or two. In between WoW I still tried out some free ones to see if they could compare like Runes of Magic, LOTRO, and DDO. None of them kept me interested though.
My big WoW memories were Tarren Mill vs Southshore especially during Halloween, Alteract Valley when it was still epic, completing my Dungeon Set, and going through the Dark Portal the first time. I know I've forgotten a bunch of stuff. Just exploring the whole world when it was fresh and new was awesome. I also played Wrath and a little Cataclysm, but can't remember anything really memorable from them.
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