I am considering getting the Nvidia 3D vision glasses however my computer monitor I am using (a sony lcd tv)has a 100Hz refresh rate :S I know they say you should have a 100 Hz refresh rate. Would the 100 Hz make a huge difference?
the games are normally displayed at 50-60hz, so having the 100hz or more techonology where they would normally insert frames to create a smooth look just means they can use those extra frames to create teh eye trick with teh shutter glasses.
Using NVIDIA's 3D Vision shutterglasses effectively cuts your refresh rate in half, since it basically has to display two frames when there would normally be one for each eye. (How it works is that the glasses effectively blind one eye by making the lens for that eye opaque while the display shows a frame for the other eye, and then the next frame switches eyes, and so do the glasses.) With a 100 Hz refresh rate, using the glasses would effectively cut you down to 50 Hz, which means that you won't perceive anything above 50 FPS. Still much better than the more typical 60 Hz refresh rate on the average TV, though, which would be reduced to 30 Hz/FPS. It may not bother you, but I personally wouldn't settle for anything less than 120 Hz, thus 60 FPS in stereoscopic mode. (Fortunately, I still happen to use a CRT monitor, and a darn good Sony Trinitron-based one at that. Up to 160 Hz refresh rate, depending on the resolution!)
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