When I start up Oblivion, it gets to the main menus and everything fine, but when I try to load a game it crashes to the desktop, and when I try to start a new game it doesn't do anything! I'm updated to the latest patch, I've tried disabling my mods, but all to no avail. Here's the list of my mods if it helps.
Horse Combat Master
DLC Horse Armor
Enhanced Economy
Extended Death Camera
DLC Orrery
DLC Frostcrag
DLC Thieve's Den
Illumination Within
Natural Habitat
DLC Mehrune's Razor
DLC Spell Tomes
DLC Vile Lair
Enhanced Water v2.0
Sneak Attacks Hurt
Akatosh Mount
Natural Vegitation
Seph's New Animations
Dungeon Begone
Natural Weather
Altair Race
Assassin's Creed - Altair's Outfit - Light
Assassin's Creed - Altair's Outfit - Heavy
Farm Animals of Cyrodil
QTdof (Qarl and Timeslip's Depth of Field)
Realistic Force Medium
Real Lava v1.2
Toothman's Funny Loadscreens
All +5 Attribute Modifiers
Attack and Hide Medium
Deadly Reflex 5 Timed Block no Damage Changes
Deadly Reflex 5 Combat Moves
No Psychic Guards v1.2
Immersive Wait
Eric's Double Damage Fast for Archers
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