[QUOTE="dakan45"] Any proof? You will be amazed how many stuff you can find for oblivion aricdolokar
263 pages of mods for Morrowind
179 pages of mods for Oblivion
It's not even close. I don't know why it should surprise anyone here, Morrowind has been out for much longer, and Morrowind's modding community today is not only alive, but possibly even more experienced than Oblivion's modding community - proof being in the advanced nature in many of the mods. Another thing is that since Morrowind has been out longer, the game has had more time for the game's bigger mods to be released, which is why Morrowind has quite a few huge mods that add continents and mass amounts of content to the game.
EDIT: Another advantage of Morrowind's modding is that anybody can mod in quests and change dialogue without breaking immersion. But as for Oblivion, you can't really add anything to the game unless you're willing to
A) Add voice to the new NPC text you put in
B) Leave the voices out, breaking Oblivion's immersion (however little it had).
Not that I really want to get into it since I agree morrowind was a better game, but for oblivion I don't think most of the modders use planet elder scrolls, TESNEXUS has 1771 pages of oblivion mods, and only 128 pages of morrowind mods. Now it is hard for me to remember back to the days of morrowind but I don't remember tesnexus being around back then.
Oblivion also has a mod where it adds the entire world of Elder scrolls 3 into Oblivion.
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