Oblivion was the beginning of the end

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#1 haberman13
Member since 2003 • 2414 Posts

I was just thinking back about when I noticed gaming "dumbing down", and for me that was when I first fired up Oblivion. Every game after Oblivion I meet with skeptisim and caution, like the new XCOM reveal; 10 years ago I would have begun the hype-train right away. Now I can barely feel excitement, assuming that the entire thing will be dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.

Maybe my love of Morrowind caused too much hype for Oblivion, but seriously, ever since that disappointment I just can't trust developers anymore. They want to make money (ok, no problem). What makes the most money? Dumbed down simple games that keep pushing the "reward" zone of your brain. It is why Michael Bay keeps making movies.

I like modern graphics, I hope that someday peoples general IQ will start rising again and we will see graphics combined with deep gameplay and sprawling freedom of choice.

Screw you Oblivion, you ruined my ability to hype a game.

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#2 KHAndAnime
Member since 2009 • 17565 Posts
You need a question at the end of your post so it becomes more of a discussion topic and less of a "this is what I think" topic. But I do agree that Oblivion was dumbed down and it's also the game that caused me to be less trusting of game devs.
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#3 JackBurton
Member since 2002 • 3808 Posts

Invisible War was the beginning of the end, imo.

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#4 0diN_7
Member since 2010 • 1061 Posts

I think Oblivion was a really fun game. I totally enjoyed the sidequests. What about it didn't you like exactly?

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#5 _Tobli_
Member since 2007 • 5733 Posts

Ah... Using the phrase dumbing down instead of more descriptive phrasing, and then using that as a platform to insult the intelligence of the people who are into that....*sigh*

Considering how broad gaming has become it is a bit strange that there aren't more devs making games for you guys.

On a general level i think comments like the ones in threads like these often go a bit over the top, but for certain titles like TES it is a bit more understandable. Since they have very long dev cycles.

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#6 kevy619
Member since 2004 • 5617 Posts

I was just thinking back about when I noticed gaming "dumbing down", and for me that was when I first fired up Oblivion. Every game after Oblivion I meet with skeptisim and caution, like the new XCOM reveal; 10 years ago I would have begun the hype-train right away. Now I can barely feel excitement, assuming that the entire thing will be dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.

Maybe my love of Morrowind caused too much hype for Oblivion, but seriously, ever since that disappointment I just can't trust developers anymore. They want to make money (ok, no problem). What makes the most money? Dumbed down simple games that keep pushing the "reward" zone of your brain. It is why Michael Bay keeps making movies.

I like modern graphics, I hope that someday peoples general IQ will start rising again and we will see graphics combined with deep gameplay and sprawling freedom of choice.

Screw you Oblivion, you ruined my ability to hype a game.

sorry you feel that way. You have to understand though, alot of people couldn't get into morrowind just because they had no idea what to do and the combat didn't make sense to them. Bethesda could of either made their next game appeal to the exact same people, or change up the game a bit and have it appeal to millions more people. You have to think, are the devs making games for the niche crowds, or for everybody?
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#7 KHAndAnime
Member since 2009 • 17565 Posts

I was just thinking back about when I noticed gaming "dumbing down", and for me that was when I first fired up Oblivion. Every game after Oblivion I meet with skeptisim and caution, like the new XCOM reveal; 10 years ago I would have begun the hype-train right away. Now I can barely feel excitement, assuming that the entire thing will be dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.

Maybe my love of Morrowind caused too much hype for Oblivion, but seriously, ever since that disappointment I just can't trust developers anymore. They want to make money (ok, no problem). What makes the most money? Dumbed down simple games that keep pushing the "reward" zone of your brain. It is why Michael Bay keeps making movies.

I like modern graphics, I hope that someday peoples general IQ will start rising again and we will see graphics combined with deep gameplay and sprawling freedom of choice.

Screw you Oblivion, you ruined my ability to hype a game.

sorry you feel that way. You have to understand though, alot of people couldn't get into morrowind just because they had no idea what to do and the combat didn't make sense to them. Bethesda could of either made their next game appeal to the exact same people, or change up the game a bit and have it appeal to millions more people. You have to think, are the devs making games for the niche crowds, or for everybody?

It should appeal to the fan base, not say "**** You" and dumb down literally every aspect of the game. They could have, you know, made it appealing and kept the depth too. Or is that too difficult to imagine?
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#8 RossRichard
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I liked Morrowind, but it had a very long laundry list of flaws. I absolutely loved Oblivion. Sure it wasnt a perfect game, but they really addressed most of the gripes people had with Morrowind and made it a much better game that a lot more people could get into. I will admit Oblivion had its share of problems too, the most notorious is the whole auto-leveling thing, but that is easily fixed with mods.

So according to your original post, does that make me an idiot? The tone of this post is highly offensive. And I could name a lot of games that came out before Oblivion that were "dumbed down." But the real question to ask, were the games "dumbed down" per se, or did the developers simply add things to their games that were not, or could not be added to games in the past because of time constraints, hardware limitations, or whatnot? This argument really could go either way.

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#9 KHAndAnime
Member since 2009 • 17565 Posts

I liked Morrowind, but it had a very long laundry list of flaws. I absolutely loved Oblivion. Sure it wasnt a perfect game, but they really addressed most of the gripes people had with Morrowind and made it a much better game that a lot more people could get into. I will admit Oblivion had its share of problems too, the most notorious is the whole auto-leveling thing, but that is easily fixed with mods.

So according to your original post, does that make me an idiot? The tone of this post is highly offensive. And I could name a lot of games that came out before Oblivion that were "dumbed down." But the real question to ask, were the games "dumbed down" per se, or did the developers simply add things to their games that were not, or could not be added to games in the past because of time constraints, hardware limitations, or whatnot? This argument really could go either way.

Yea, they took out skills, weapons, quests, and guilds from Oblivion because they had a bigger budget, less hardware constraints, and more time to make it. :P
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#10 haberman13
Member since 2003 • 2414 Posts

Oblivion is a perfect example of corporate interests ruining human expression. Morrowind was crafted with love, the depth of lore, story and options available to the player were hand crafted. (and they also made oodles of money) Oblivion was a number generator crafted to spit out a game world, the love was gone.

Oblivion got the combat right, that was it, in comparison to Morrowind at least.

The term "dumbed down" is popular nomenclature to express the concept of catering to the lowest common denominator, but for your sake: "condescendingly simplified"

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#11 Fancelot
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"Dumbing Down" if applied to any other industry would be like going from manual steering to power steering or going from rotary phones to touch tone... or going from text based interface to a GUI.

It's hilarious that gamers take pride in enjoying mechanics that are usually clunky/outdated/archaic and in general not fun just so they can feel intellectual superiority to the masses.

IMO, role playing games in many aspects are deeply rooted in tradition and many mechanics to me makes no sense. Why must your character lug around an inventory that would overflow an modern day van? Why when you sell your items they only go for .00001% of the price the merchants sell for thus forcing you to lug around a van worth of loot in order to get anything out of? Why must characters level at all and at each level gain a set amount of hp/mp/energy and become exponentially stronger in stats at the end. I mean most RPGs leveling systems almost feels like you're playing a Dragonball Z character and not a real relatable hero where feasily you can only say get 50% or twice or so stronger at the end.

Anyways I thought Oblivion was decent... with mods.

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#12 ekultus
Member since 2010 • 1013 Posts

You want a hardcore anti-dumbed-down game then get Demon's Souls for the PS3, it is brutal!

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#13 kevy619
Member since 2004 • 5617 Posts

I was just thinking back about when I noticed gaming "dumbing down", and for me that was when I first fired up Oblivion. Every game after Oblivion I meet with skeptisim and caution, like the new XCOM reveal; 10 years ago I would have begun the hype-train right away. Now I can barely feel excitement, assuming that the entire thing will be dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.

Maybe my love of Morrowind caused too much hype for Oblivion, but seriously, ever since that disappointment I just can't trust developers anymore. They want to make money (ok, no problem). What makes the most money? Dumbed down simple games that keep pushing the "reward" zone of your brain. It is why Michael Bay keeps making movies.

I like modern graphics, I hope that someday peoples general IQ will start rising again and we will see graphics combined with deep gameplay and sprawling freedom of choice.

Screw you Oblivion, you ruined my ability to hype a game.

sorry you feel that way. You have to understand though, alot of people couldn't get into morrowind just because they had no idea what to do and the combat didn't make sense to them. Bethesda could of either made their next game appeal to the exact same people, or change up the game a bit and have it appeal to millions more people. You have to think, are the devs making games for the niche crowds, or for everybody?

It should appeal to the fan base, not say "**** You" and dumb down literally every aspect of the game. They could have, you know, made it appealing and kept the depth too. Or is that too difficult to imagine?

I dont think they can do both, and if anyone ever does it will be huge.
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#14 osan0
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im just taking games for what they are now. is ME2 an RPG? no (not a debate for here if you disagree with me). is it a good game though? yes (im just about to finish it). was oblivion as well developed or as interesting as morrowind? imho no. was it good though? yes. and so on. however modern games have definately made me soft. i was playing baldurs gate 1 recently and it took a bit of time to get back up to the level the game requires. no rushing in and killing everything....thats a quick way to death in BG1. instead tactics and problem solving are the name of the game.....proper solving not just "do i want to act nice or evil?". i tells ya they dont make em like the used to....you young whipper snappers etc etc etc :P. in fairness this was inevitable. games jsut cost too much money to make now when it comes to making high end games. keeping games exclusive to one platform is a stupid thing to do and making games for niche markets while still providing great production values is not possible .....unless your blizzard :P. would anyone think it acceptable if bioware decided to make a BG3 but it looked like..well...diablo 3? i think most would be dissapointed with the notion.
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#15 rollermint
Member since 2010 • 632 Posts

I was just thinking back about when I noticed gaming "dumbing down", and for me that was when I first fired up Oblivion. Every game after Oblivion I meet with skeptisim and caution, like the new XCOM reveal; 10 years ago I would have begun the hype-train right away. Now I can barely feel excitement, assuming that the entire thing will be dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.

Maybe my love of Morrowind caused too much hype for Oblivion, but seriously, ever since that disappointment I just can't trust developers anymore. They want to make money (ok, no problem). What makes the most money? Dumbed down simple games that keep pushing the "reward" zone of your brain. It is why Michael Bay keeps making movies.

I like modern graphics, I hope that someday peoples general IQ will start rising again and we will see graphics combined with deep gameplay and sprawling freedom of choice.

Screw you Oblivion, you ruined my ability to hype a game.

Oblivion has many flaws but its okay, we have MODS! :D
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#16 Fancelot
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Not a debate but just curious if your definition of a RPG a game where you predominately focus on made up statistics and randomly generated items, and complex stat allocation system?

Because if it is, I can technically say what I work with in spreadsheet apps are "RPGs"

As for me an RPG is simply well a Role Playing Game, you know, a game where the main focus is for the player to play a role thus RPG, role playing game... bah forget it.

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#17 Karl319
Member since 2005 • 4390 Posts
Oblivion was, like most games, disapointing. But I enjoyed it none the less. Especially with the ton of mods, new worlds, total conversions and addons people make in the communtiy for free.
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#18 dos4gw82
Member since 2006 • 1896 Posts

*looks out the window*

Nope...world hasn't ended yet.

In other news, Oblivion is a pretty alright game that is trashed on more than it really deserves.

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#19 shakmaster13
Member since 2007 • 7138 Posts

*looks out the window*

Nope...world hasn't ended yet.

In other news, Oblivion is a pretty alright game that is trashed on more than it really deserves.

Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only person that enjoyed oblivion here.
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#20 Baranga
Member since 2005 • 14217 Posts

I laugh at you younglings that think Morrowind was the pinnacle of TES:P

Daggerfall is where it's at... Morrowind was guilty of the same sins towards DF as Oblivion is towards MWD.

And come on, Obli's still a fun adventure game As an RPG it's cataclismic, yet the ES skill system has a unique flavour even dumbed down and saves the day...

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#21 HenriH-42
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Thank god (or whatever you do or do not worship) for small indie companies from East Europe. I probably would've called it quits by now if it weren't for the likes of 1C and Paradox.

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Member since 2006 • 367 Posts

Last time I asked people in real life, everyone has played Oblivion yet barely anyone has heard of Morrowind. This just shows that Bethesda did make the right choice with the making of Oblivion. Why the hell should the devs cater to Morrowind fans when people are just going to keep buying games like Oblivion and make the company much more money? People say companies should "stay true" to their fanbase but are all of their fans people who played Arena and Daggerfall?

Go ahead and call Oblivion dumbed down all you like but it is the beginning of a new generation of gaming. IMO RPG's have evolved so they have changed from those ancient games where you spend thousands of hours just rolling dices and adjusting the stats of your character.

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#23 dos4gw82
Member since 2006 • 1896 Posts

Last time I asked people in real life, everyone has played Oblivion yet barely anyone has heard of Morrowind. This just shows that Bethesda did make the right choice with the making of Oblivion. Why the hell should the devs cater to Morrowind fans when people are just going to keep buying games like Oblivion and make the company much more money? People say companies should "stay true" to their fanbase but are all of their fans people who played Arena and Daggerfall?

Go ahead and call Oblivion dumbed down all you like but it is the beginning of a new generation of gaming. IMO RPG's have evolved so they have changed from those ancient games where you spend thousands of hours just rolling dices and adjusting the stats of your character.


Could you pick another game series to center your pandora's box of an argument around instead of my beloved Elder Scrolls kk thnx.

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#24 haberman13
Member since 2003 • 2414 Posts

Last time I asked people in real life, everyone has played Oblivion yet barely anyone has heard of Morrowind. This just shows that Bethesda did make the right choice with the making of Oblivion. Why the hell should the devs cater to Morrowind fans when people are just going to keep buying games like Oblivion and make the company much more money? People say companies should "stay true" to their fanbase but are all of their fans people who played Arena and Daggerfall?

Go ahead and call Oblivion dumbed down all you like but it is the beginning of a new generation of gaming. IMO RPG's have evolved so they have changed from those ancient games where you spend thousands of hours just rolling dices and adjusting the stats of your character.


So ... money is the be all and end all of everything? Where does it end? At what point do you say "OK, this is idiotically easy, why am I playing this?"

I don't want to go back to BG1/2 days, those games had the stats/lore/depth, but the actual gameplay sucked because of technological limitations. Now we get games that are inept in stats/lore/depth and great in gameplay; the tech allows both, but we keep getting the Michael Bay of character development/stats/lore.

Can't we have both?

Also, shouldn't games be developed to be slightly more complex than "plug-n-play" so that when you get over the learning curve you really discover something extendable and expandable that lasts? Take ME2 for example, sure, it was fun and the production value was high... but I can't play it again because they removed the complexity that would make the game worth experimenting with.

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#25 kdawg88
Member since 2009 • 2923 Posts

Invisible War was the beginning of the end, imo.

End of thread.
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#26 haberman13
Member since 2003 • 2414 Posts

I think the real problem is that the barrier between markets has been removed, the corporatists see ONE HUGE MARKET where all games are equal. 10 years ago there were PC devs and console devs. Now everything is cross compatible so the games need to appeal to the *ahem* "most dumberest".

Idiocracy enlightened me to a real trend, that being that the masses are gradually getting more inept and gaming is an indicator of that ineptness.

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#27 haberman13
Member since 2003 • 2414 Posts


Invisible War was the beginning of the end, imo.


End of thread.

Hahahahah, you are so right, I retract: IW was the end.

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#28 kevy619
Member since 2004 • 5617 Posts


Last time I asked people in real life, everyone has played Oblivion yet barely anyone has heard of Morrowind. This just shows that Bethesda did make the right choice with the making of Oblivion. Why the hell should the devs cater to Morrowind fans when people are just going to keep buying games like Oblivion and make the company much more money? People say companies should "stay true" to their fanbase but are all of their fans people who played Arena and Daggerfall?

Go ahead and call Oblivion dumbed down all you like but it is the beginning of a new generation of gaming. IMO RPG's have evolved so they have changed from those ancient games where you spend thousands of hours just rolling dices and adjusting the stats of your character.


So ... money is the be all and end all of everything? Where does it end? At what point do you say "OK, this is idiotically easy, why am I playing this?"

I don't want to go back to BG1/2 days, those games had the stats/lore/depth, but the actual gameplay sucked because of technological limitations. Now we get games that are inept in stats/lore/depth and great in gameplay; the tech allows both, but we keep getting the Michael Bay of character development/stats/lore.

Can't we have both?

Also, shouldn't games be developed to be slightly more complex than "plug-n-play" so that when you get over the learning curve you really discover something extendable and expandable that lasts? Take ME2 for example, sure, it was fun and the production value was high... but I can't play it again because they removed the complexity that would make the game worth experimenting with.

A complex game on the ue3? That will be the day lol.
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#29 haberman13
Member since 2003 • 2414 Posts

Frivolous discussion you ask? Yes, but we are Romans partying it up, this is the most important topic of the day!

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#30 kdawg88
Member since 2009 • 2923 Posts


Invisible War was the beginning of the end, imo.


End of thread.

Hahahahah, you are so right, I retract: IW was the end.

It should not be viewed in a negative manner - more of an example that developers should listen to the fans when making a game. If you're interested, watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGIdYl2oN74
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#31 Frenzyd109
Member since 2007 • 2276 Posts

*looks out the window*

Nope...world hasn't ended yet.

In other news, Oblivion is a pretty alright game that is trashed on more than it really deserves.

Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only person that enjoyed oblivion here.

I love oblivion. The main story wasn't as epic, but I enjoy exploring in oblivion MUCH more than in morrowind.
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#32 dos4gw82
Member since 2006 • 1896 Posts
Next question: to game solely on a console is an indicator of stupidity?haberman13
Possibly not. Something tells me that there are far fewer of these tiring doomsday threads to be found on the 360 forum.
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#33 haberman13
Member since 2003 • 2414 Posts

[QUOTE="haberman13"]Next question: to game solely on a console is an indicator of stupidity?dos4gw82
Possibly not. Something tells me that there are far fewer of these tiring doomsday threads to be found on the 360 forum.

Doomsday? meh

Cultural rape and pillaging by the less intelligent? hmm, possibly


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#34 Arach666
Member since 2009 • 23285 Posts

Invisible War was the beginning of the end, imo.

I feel that this is the correct answer.
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Member since 2006 • 367 Posts


Last time I asked people in real life, everyone has played Oblivion yet barely anyone has heard of Morrowind. This just shows that Bethesda did make the right choice with the making of Oblivion. Why the hell should the devs cater to Morrowind fans when people are just going to keep buying games like Oblivion and make the company much more money? People say companies should "stay true" to their fanbase but are all of their fans people who only played Arena and Daggerfall?

Go ahead and call Oblivion dumbed down all you like but it is the beginning of a new generation of gaming. IMO RPG's have evolved so they have changed from those ancient games where you spend thousands of hours just rolling dices and adjusting the stats of your character.


Could you pick another game series to center your pandora's box of an argument around instead of my beloved Elder Scrolls kk thnx.

Wow, are you that narrow minded that you won't even bother to give me a chance to explain my view on this? I was merely giving my own opinion on it, and it doesn't really seem like your "argument" is any better. Really, I would like to see a lot of the things from the users above implemented into the next elder scrolls. I have to say Morrowind had lots of merits such as its weird and alien setting and the deep dialogues (much better than Oblivion's voice acting), but what was bad was the terrible combat and horrible AI that just really ruined the appeal of this RPG.

Oblivion improved in this aspect, even if it took away many RPG elements and made it more action oriented. Overall I favour Oblivion because of this and with the excellent mods it has I just like it better than Morrowind, same with most of the people outside this forum.

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#36 dos4gw82
Member since 2006 • 1896 Posts



Last time I asked people in real life, everyone has played Oblivion yet barely anyone has heard of Morrowind. This just shows that Bethesda did make the right choice with the making of Oblivion. Why the hell should the devs cater to Morrowind fans when people are just going to keep buying games like Oblivion and make the company much more money? People say companies should "stay true" to their fanbase but are all of their fans people who only played Arena and Daggerfall?

Go ahead and call Oblivion dumbed down all you like but it is the beginning of a new generation of gaming. IMO RPG's have evolved so they have changed from those ancient games where you spend thousands of hours just rolling dices and adjusting the stats of your character.


Could you pick another game series to center your pandora's box of an argument around instead of my beloved Elder Scrolls kk thnx.

Wow, are you that narrow minded that you won't even bother to give me a chance to explain my view on this? I was merely giving my own opinion on it, and it doesn't really seem like your "argument" is any better. Really, I would like to see a lot of the things from the users above implemented into the next elder scrolls. I have to say Morrowind had lots of merits such as its weird and alien setting and the deep dialogues (much better than Oblivion's voice acting), but what was bad was the terrible combat and horrible AI that just really ruined the appeal of this RPG.

Oblivion improved in this aspect, even if it took away many RPG elements and made it more action oriented. Overall I favour Oblivion because of this and with the excellent mods it has I just like it better than Morrowind, same with most of the people outside this forum.

No problem with your opinion, really. It's just that it's one that's bound to gather a whole lot of flaming (which I'm sure you're aware of, judging by how defensive you're acting already) and I really wouldn't like to see Oblivion at the center of yet another flamewar. Just a small wish.
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#37 KHAndAnime
Member since 2009 • 17565 Posts



Last time I asked people in real life, everyone has played Oblivion yet barely anyone has heard of Morrowind. This just shows that Bethesda did make the right choice with the making of Oblivion. Why the hell should the devs cater to Morrowind fans when people are just going to keep buying games like Oblivion and make the company much more money? People say companies should "stay true" to their fanbase but are all of their fans people who only played Arena and Daggerfall?

Go ahead and call Oblivion dumbed down all you like but it is the beginning of a new generation of gaming. IMO RPG's have evolved so they have changed from those ancient games where you spend thousands of hours just rolling dices and adjusting the stats of your character.


Could you pick another game series to center your pandora's box of an argument around instead of my beloved Elder Scrolls kk thnx.

Wow, are you that narrow minded that you won't even bother to give me a chance to explain my view on this? I was merely giving my own opinion on it, and it doesn't really seem like your "argument" is any better. Really, I would like to see a lot of the things from the users above implemented into the next elder scrolls. I have to say Morrowind had lots of merits such as its weird and alien setting and the deep dialogues (much better than Oblivion's voice acting), but what was bad was the terrible combat and horrible AI that just really ruined the appeal of this RPG.

Oblivion improved in this aspect, even if it took away many RPG elements and made it more action oriented. Overall I favour Oblivion because of this and with the excellent mods it has I just like it better than Morrowind, same with most of the people outside this forum.

Oblivion could have been equally as successful without removing the depth. Everyone knows what Morrowind is. That game was a huge success all around so don't pretend as if the game only has a small niche fanbase. If Oblivion didn't ride Morrowind's success and fanbase, it probably wouldn't have nearly as prevalent around its release. Oblivion is also one of those games that seems deep, rewarding, and fun at first - but it grows old quick. Reviewers don't have a huge amount of time to review big games like this. They only get to play it for a little bit and throw out a review. At first I thought the game was great too.
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#38 deactivated-5bb421ab1b937
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Oblivion was a pretty cool story bro.

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#39 deactivated-5bb421ab1b937
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Morrowind was a lot better, Shivering Isles was actually better than Oblivion itself, I think.

They did put a lot of work into it, however, getting Captain Picard to play the voice of the king.

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#40 haberman13
Member since 2003 • 2414 Posts

I thought Oblivion was great at first too, then 10 hours later I saw it for the shell of algorithmically created game that it is.

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#41 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

Invisible War was the beginning of the end, imo.

That was the begining of the end. Now i do admit that oblivion is dumbed down in a way that some things are too simply done. But that applies in many games, like mass efffect. Now in those 3 games there are many things i would call dumb down. But i apreciate a game telling me "if you are tired trying to find what to do next, just click here to ge a waypoint to your next objective. However i dont like things like the universall ammo in invisible war. Why? why all guns get the same ammo? Also similar things such as disabling the inventory or the ability to search corpses and you only press the use key once and get all the items. In comparison with stuff like that. I would say oblivion is ok. Still the game provides no challenge i would say that fallout 3 is a better game in gameplay mechanics and i wouldnt mind if the made new vegas more hardcore. The thing is that i prefer oblivion from gothic 3 and morrowind because the combat "felt" better and the game did bother to tell you where to find the missions. But in both gothic 3 and morrowind i was bored at some point and dropped the whole game...and dont tell me thats because you play oblivion first. I played first morrowind and then gothic 3 and neither kept, they felt borring. Then i played oblivion and i enjoyed it. Somehow morrowind and gothic 4 felt more slow and did not make any moves to make the player keep playing. So yes they are more hardcore but not better games since they dont attact the play and keep him interested, they require alot attention and the player to be a big fan of the gameplay (For example i can play borderlands forever because i like to shoot and level up:P) But i am not that fanatic as an rpg player, therefore since those game focused alot more into rpg mechanics rather fun quests and nice exploring, i was not kept on enjoying them as a player. On the other hand i really enjoyed risen and the wicher. They were interesting to play and progress but i found mass effect very dumbed down and borring. Yeah, go figure :P I would say fallout 3 is a game that does the exploring very well, my first 20 hours were just exploring without bothering much with the main quest. At the end i too whine when a game is dumbed down, for example i worry deus ex 3 is gonna be like bioshock which felt like an inferior version of system shock 2, but i value the actual game being interesting and fun to play, more than a complicated combat system and lack of waypoints or other lack "presentation" stuff just because they focused on rpg mechanics more. I think there is the right balance between dumbdown/polish and hardcore gameplay. If they could bother more by adding a hardcore option things will be better. Oh and something else, is it just me or games nowadays dont have interesting stories/missions?
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#42 sleepingzzz
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Last time I asked people in real life, everyone has played Oblivion yet barely anyone has heard of Morrowind. This just shows that Bethesda did make the right choice with the making of Oblivion. Why the hell should the devs cater to Morrowind fans when people are just going to keep buying games like Oblivion and make the company much more money? People say companies should "stay true" to their fanbase but are all of their fans people who played Arena and Daggerfall?

Go ahead and call Oblivion dumbed down all you like but it is the beginning of a new generation of gaming. IMO RPG's have evolved so they have changed from those ancient games where you spend thousands of hours just rolling dices and adjusting the stats of your character.


So ... money is the be all and end all of everything? Where does it end? At what point do you say "OK, this is idiotically easy, why am I playing this?"

I don't want to go back to BG1/2 days, those games had the stats/lore/depth, but the actual gameplay sucked because of technological limitations. Now we get games that are inept in stats/lore/depth and great in gameplay; the tech allows both, but we keep getting the Michael Bay of character development/stats/lore.

Can't we have both?

Also, shouldn't games be developed to be slightly more complex than "plug-n-play" so that when you get over the learning curve you really discover something extendable and expandable that lasts? Take ME2 for example, sure, it was fun and the production value was high... but I can't play it again because they removed the complexity that would make the game worth experimenting with.

Look what happen with DAO. They already dropped the difficulty a couple notches down after people complained. It's what people want. Hell there been a bunch of threads on here about how DAO easy setting is still too hard.
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#43 dakan45
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^that too, dao was hardcore, many people complain. It was a good move but they should have made hard, harder!!
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#44 JN_Fenrir
Member since 2004 • 1551 Posts
I'm sorry, but this whole argument is ridiculous. If you think Oblivion is a bad game, you're playing it wrong, end of story. Yeah, the main quest storyline is pretty thin, and the level scaling is definitely a major boon, but to herald the game as some kind of omen that "the end is nigh" is absurd. The combat, magic and stealth are very well executed, the character development system is solid, and the world is absolutely massive and fun to explore. People seem to forget that Oblivion is an action RPG built around sandbox elements, just like the Elder Scrolls games before it. Could it be deeper? Of course, but it doesn't need to be. They didn't "dumb it down" compared to Morrowind. All they did was remove a few weapon types which sucked anyway, one armor type that didn't need to be there, and a handful of magic skills that were massively exploited by players. The storyline wasn't in the same league, of course, but the goal of the game was to give players the freedom to create their own stories, and to that end, I would definitely say they were successful. And it's not like the story was utterly terrible anyway. Besides, you should all remember that Daggerfall had a tremendously intricate story, and I doubt there are a dozen people on Earth who ever finished it. Seriously, all the Oblivion bashing needs to stop. It's a great game. Go read the official forums or the UESP forums and see what you're missing out on.
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#45 RossRichard
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I'm sorry, but this whole argument is ridiculous. If you think Oblivion is a bad game, you're playing it wrong, end of story. Yeah, the main quest storyline is pretty thin, and the level scaling is definitely a major boon, but to herald the game as some kind of omen that "the end is nigh" is absurd. The combat, magic and stealth are very well executed, the character development system is solid, and the world is absolutely massive and fun to explore. People seem to forget that Oblivion is an action RPG built around sandbox elements, just like the Elder Scrolls games before it. Could it be deeper? Of course, but it doesn't need to be. They didn't "dumb it down" compared to Morrowind. All they did was remove a few weapon types which sucked anyway, one armor type that didn't need to be there, and a handful of magic skills that were massively exploited by players. The storyline wasn't in the same league, of course, but the goal of the game was to give players the freedom to create their own stories, and to that end, I would definitely say they were successful. And it's not like the story was utterly terrible anyway. Besides, you should all remember that Daggerfall had a tremendously intricate story, and I doubt there are a dozen people on Earth who ever finished it. Seriously, all the Oblivion bashing needs to stop. It's a great game. Go read the official forums or the UESP forums and see what you're missing out on.JN_Fenrir

You beat me to it :lol: I dont necessarily agree with your statement that the main quest storyline being thin or that the Oblivion story wasnt in the same league with the Morrowind story, but everything else is spot on. Couldnt have said it better myself.

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#46 dakan45
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^ Actually i found the storyline of oblivion to be more epic from morrowind. No, scratch that. I found the first missions to be more epic and atrract the player to take interest in the story. You met the emperor, escape from prison, save his son, go to cloud ruller temple and go into a hellgate. Those quests got be interested. But in morrowind, the first quests where rather inimpressive or should i say they lacked the sense of epicness?
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#47 flukki
Member since 2003 • 69 Posts

Invisible War was the beginning of the end, imo.

Yeah! What Oblivion concerns: It's not a bad RPG, but it lacks so many aspects of Morrowind, that I too consider it "dumbed down". They went for the ca$h with it...
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#48 Nighteg
Member since 2009 • 334 Posts

I'm sorry, but this whole argument is ridiculous. If you think Oblivion is a bad game, you're playing it wrong, end of story. Yeah, the main quest storyline is pretty thin, and the level scaling is definitely a major boon, but to herald the game as some kind of omen that "the end is nigh" is absurd. The combat, magic and stealth are very well executed, the character development system is solid, and the world is absolutely massive and fun to explore. People seem to forget that Oblivion is an action RPG built around sandbox elements, just like the Elder Scrolls games before it. Could it be deeper? Of course, but it doesn't need to be. They didn't "dumb it down" compared to Morrowind. All they did was remove a few weapon types which sucked anyway, one armor type that didn't need to be there, and a handful of magic skills that were massively exploited by players. The storyline wasn't in the same league, of course, but the goal of the game was to give players the freedom to create their own stories, and to that end, I would definitely say they were successful. And it's not like the story was utterly terrible anyway. Besides, you should all remember that Daggerfall had a tremendously intricate story, and I doubt there are a dozen people on Earth who ever finished it. Seriously, all the Oblivion bashing needs to stop. It's a great game. Go read the official forums or the UESP forums and see what you're missing out on.JN_Fenrir

Completely agree. Spent more that 100 hours in this game without any mods, and enjoyed every second.