News new news.......
1) Left 4 Dead has finally been reviewed by Gamespot:)
2) Gamespot gives it a 8.5 rating.. not fair imo. it deserves a 9.0 or higher:shock:
3) The version reviewed is the X360 one.:x typical GS, eh ?
4) The video review posted must be having only the 360 footage. :evil:
5) The PC version has NOT been reviewed yet.. even if it does get reviewed, why did the 360 ver get reviewed first ? :!:twisted: The 360 version is Not even the definitive version of Left 4 Dead.. The PC one is... It has Better controls, Much competitive & intense gameplay, & Obviously better graphics as well.8) So why the 360 only ? Was Chris Watters abit too lazy to sit on chair with Mouse/KB rather than a controller in hand on a couch ? i know it's too early to comment on the review.. but this is just.. unbelievable as Left4Dead is primarily a PC title.. 360 just got lucky enough to get a "port". Even a biased site like is showing off some PC footage & will be reviewing the PC version same as 360 one. & see Gamespot.... My respect for them just got increased..:twisted: GS now is just unreliable.. biased..(like always)
check both pages
360 gamepage
PC gamepage
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