Call me a fanboy or whatever but this thing is beast!! 7zip ex, 3 1080p youtube videos,itunes,windows media player, BF3, Crysis, SC2, Skyrim, WoW, and even the flippin windows side bar without a a single hitch! Sure you can say this is an unrealistic benchmark and the ram is mostly handling my multi tasking but this baby is snappy.. Sad that I feel a lot of you are gonna be turning your heads to a true innovating processor which probably hasn't had most programs optimized for it yet.
My new rig (Waiting on 7970)
FX 8150@4.2 w/ 212+,16GB 1600, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3, Corsair Force GT 60GB SSD, 600 GB Raptor, 2x 2TB Samsung 7200RPM RAID0, using my brothers 6870 for the meantime! (he has 2)
I was smart and bought my hard drives when I thought bulldozer was coming out sooner, but when it finally released I couldn't seem to order one anywhere without getting too terribly ripped off. Worth the wait and it doesn't even get hot sitting at 46c @4.2 w/ load!
First time overclocking as well and it couldn't have been easier really! True innovation money can't buy! (Intel)
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