Decisions, decisions. I'm having a hard time deciding which game I want to get. How would you rank these four games? World at War, Far Cry 2, Dead Space, Fallout 3. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks alot.
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Decisions, decisions. I'm having a hard time deciding which game I want to get. How would you rank these four games? World at War, Far Cry 2, Dead Space, Fallout 3. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks alot.
I havent played any of those games but from what ive seen and heard:
World at War: Nearly identical to Cod games, I wouldnt buy.
Far Cry 2: Great graphics etc..but it has problems and is lacking. I would wait until the price drops to consider purchasing it.
Dead Space: Looks very similar to Doom. I wouldn't buy it because it looks like it doesnt contain any replay value.
Fallout 3: If you enjoyed Oblivion you might like this. I personally am waiting for the price to drop. Looks like a good game, but I'm not really motivated to get it right away.
You should get left 4 dead!!
Far Cry 2 for sure, then Fallout 3 if you like RPGs, then WAW, then Dead Space.
I only have the first two, but it really depends on what you like, they are all great games. Dead Space is more of a niche game, for survival horror fans (or so I think). Fallout 3 IS better than oblivion, but very similar and NOT a shooter. Far Cry 2 is a great shooter with some annoying aspects. And of course WAW is COD, so it is great, but similar to last year.
Of those, I'd go with Dead Space or Fallout 3.
Is Left 4 Dead multiplayer only?GamerMike1979
No, but if you don't intend to play the multiplayer elements (Co-op, Versus), you probably shouldn't bother :P
Depends on which kinda pie you like. Although some of these games were highly praised and reviewed, they may not be for you. Personally, Dead Space was a disappointment. It was great at first, but it got pretty uninteresting, fast. The alien mobs were uninspiring and highly predictable. Besides, the other characters, voice acting, and story, it's your average dice em up alien shooter. The gravity sequences were really annoying, although the oxygen lockouts were pretty cool. Graphics were okay, nothing spectacular, because again, it was dumbed down by the console counterparts.
Fallout 3, imo, is amazing. If you liked Oblivion, you will probably like it. If you didn't like Oblviion, you may like it as well. I hated Oblivion with a passion yet I still liked Fallout 3 quite a lot. Particular because of the post-apocalyptic setting. I won't go into full detail of the pros and cons, but it's definitely a triple A game. Don't expect gorgeous graphics on the PC. Again, it was dumbed down because it's a multi-platform game. Even on max settings, I was getting tons of jaggies on buildings, vehicles, etc.. and especially objects and entities from far away would be all jaggy.. like the AA and AF had no effect. It was really odd to me. Again, PC left out in the cold, and it's hardware is barely tapped or being utilized.
I would also try the Left 4 Dead demo on Steam. It's such a great game. I like it more than all the releases this fall, except for Gears of War 2. Valve has always been great to us PC gamers so we don't get gimped in the graphics department. The game looks stunning, and it plays well too. It's simple but it does the job. Throw in some zombies and you have a very fun game.
okay, thanks for all of your input everyone. i have never played oblivion or any RPG for that matter. Is fallout 3 slow and tedious and do you think i would still enjoy it. thanks again.GamerMike1979
hard to say if you would like it or not, but out of the games you have mention, I have all four of them and Fallout is the best game out of them, overall its your choice though in the end..I would rank the games Fallout 3,Call of Duty World at War,Dead Space and Far Cry 2.
I have played Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3 and between the two Far Cry 2 is 100X more slow and tedious than Fallout 3. From the reviews CoD5 seems pretty much the same as CoD4 but not as good but in the end makes up for it with co op and zombie mode. Dead Space I haven't played. Left 4 Dead is preloaded and ready to go. In the end I will probably end up getting CoD5 and Dead Space (I usually ask for games for Christmas.)
I spent a week straight of hardcore playing Fallout 3 and 20 hours playing Left 4 dead while my Far Cry 2 icon is sitting lonely in the corner waiting to be beaten and shelved forever because the multiplayer is broken beyond repair.
okay, thanks for all of your input everyone. i have never played oblivion or any RPG for that matter. Is fallout 3 slow and tedious and do you think i would still enjoy it. thanks again.GamerMike1979You should probably play Oblivion first then. It's nowadays extremely cheap and is very action oriented.
as it is now Id choose Fallout 3 over Dead space, by a small margin, if a Dev kit comes out for Fallout 3, then F3 by far.
If you like exploration, bloody combat, and a large "do what you want" game, F3 is really good, alot better then Oblivion in my book.
Dead space on the other hand is alot more confined, but very good atmosphere.
WaW looks læike more of the same (cod4) just set in the god aweful ww2 setting. (havent played the game yet so I might be wrong)
Far Cry 2 is generally good, but it is very copy paste, in the missions, basicly its the same 3-4 mission you do over and over, so it gets really dissapointing
I've only played Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3. I'll play them all eventually (hopefully), but from what I've seen I would rank them like so:
Fallout 3 > WaW > Dead Space > Far Cry 2
I would say in singlelpayer dead space will probably be much better than WaW, but dead space might be a bit shorter overall since it lacks multiplayer.Â
is far cry 2 really as bad as everyone says it is, or is just that everyone had very high expectations?GamerMike1979
I hadn't paid attention to Far Cry 2 until the week before I bought it. It's pretty bad. The missions are reptitive and enemies take multiple headshots. The sandbox elements are ruined by impassable terrain and enemies that respawn every few minutes. I would definitely consider all the other games before you purchase FC2.Â
Fallout 3 is ok. I love that you can explore freely.
Dead Space is very good also. It doesn't have much replay value so I would definitely think about this one before you buy it.
WaW has gotten good reviews, but It's really just a CoD4 clone set in WWII.Â
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