Same. Many of my favorite experiences this generation have been indie titles. Braid, Trine, Limbo, Bastion, Crayon Physics Delux, Amnesia, The Ball, Zeno Clash, E.Y.E., Minecraft, Terraria, AaAaAA!!!, Gratuitus Space Battles, Cogs, Cryostasis (not sure if this was an indie title, but I'm pretty sure it was fairly low budget), Hammerfight, Magika, Steel Storm, Audiosurf, World of Goo, Sanctum, and I am sure plenty of others.
Steam has been my main method of playing these indie titles. I did get the Humble Indie Bundle #3 which also gave my the HIB #2 which was nice because I missed out on #2 when it was originally done. The fact that they had the code that let you tie all (I think 12 was the final count) the games to your Steam account was just perfect.
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