It will be marvelous if they up the resolution output for PC users personally. North America has the largest percentage of home users with high speed connections, but yet doesn't even come close to a 5mb/sec network. From a PC perspective Onlive is uninteresting, but from a Console perspective it's indeed a step forward if practice correctly and can certainly advance various benefits for publishers/users.
I disagree with you. I think Pc gaming would see the larger benifit from a service like online.
With onlive, pcgamers will be able to enjoy many of the things typically asscociated with console games. Rentals, (somewhat) standardized hardware, a super low entry price point, portability. Powergamers who already have super beefy systems probably won't see much benifit from the service, but thats why I think it is the perfect service to run ALONGSIDE current PC gaming standards. Because there are TONS of people out there who would love to get into PC gaming but don't because of many of the problems solved by onlive.
College student who only has a small laptop and access to school computers?
Busy professional that doesn't have the time, patience or disposable income to invest in pc gaming
Kid who can't convince his parents to invest in a gaming rig
Those are all examples of people who would probably turn to console gaming, but a service like golive will negate many of the advantages consoles have over the PC. As long as you have the connection to support it. I see onlive stemming the tide of developers ditching the pc for consoles, and even doing the reverse. onlive has the potential to do for pc gaming what the wii did for console gaming, bring in an entirely new audience. People who declined pc gaming in the past because of the precieved diffuculty, high cost and non-user friendliness.
Look at the companies that are backing the service right now: EA, THQ, Codemasters, Ubisoft, Atari, Warner Bros., Take-Two, and Epic Games. Notice something? Those are companies that have been turning their noses up at PC gaming in recent years to refocus on consoles, all backing a PC service that has the potential to open our platform to millions and millions of people.
People said that Xbox Live and Steam would never work, streaming video from Hulu would fail, there was no way you'd get an HD video stream from Netflix....Hows about instead of continuing the trend you try looking at onlive from a "glass half full" perspective? Hands-on demonstrations have been getting really good reviews out of GDC. And there is no reason to wish for the tech to fail, because at the end of the day it can do nothing but good for PC gaming.
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