Wow, didn't think I'd spark up an active thread like this. :p
With all the problems/successes in the industry that are discussed here, what are some of your ideas on changing it if you had the power to? What changes would you like to see take place to make the gaming industry easier flowing and not heading toward a crash, as some people speak of here?
Aaah well, good question, no simple answer.
I think I would try to minimize the amount of none game making personnel hired as chiefs and chairmen for the sake of profit alone. In fact I would cut ALOT of fat from the industry I think, how cruel it may sound. If a game can not stand on its own without around equal cost in advertising as game ceration and management, then there is something REALLY wrong with said game, OR the general population, take a pick.
And somewhat Ironic here, I would if I could, remove the chance for gaming publishers and devs to have public traded stocks. Why? Let me explain.
No one ever buys stocks without trying to make a profit. So all games HAVE to sell beyond acceptable profit to cover the costs, to keep shareholders happy. If a game falls below expectations (even if it goes well into the black, but underperforms) Then shareholders can jump ship (you have seen this ALOT if you paid attention these last 4 years) meaning that the dev and pub would end up LOSING a lot of money even though the game ended in the black, due to share degredation and asset loss by beforementioned.
The games industry has nearly killed the creative spirit, yeah They were always in it to make money, but that was never the only reason to make games, the pay has always been bad, the work hours just as horrible, but there was an creative spirit there, one that is getting killed by profit margins and bloated beucratic infrastructures.
It is almost embarresing to see games that cost 4 times less then the huge AAA titles, look better, often play better and have far better stories. To me that is a sign of an unhealthy industry and a focus that has been removed of the creation and joy of making the game the devs want to play themselves, and an altered focus of cashflow primarily, focusgroups and fear of making something special.
This part only covers the huge dev studios and Pubs, since as I stated earlier I see little wrong with the newly risen Mid tier game and indie projects. If you look at hoe fast Kickstarter projects and the hunger for those kinds of niche games, tells you something is wrong aswell, right? In alot of ways im grateful of kickstarter, I would rather take risks with games that might fit better with what I WANT to play and risk a few failures, rather then having to accept games that are genres I like only in name, with no alternatives.
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