First thing you'll need to be familiar with is how to reset the CMOS. By either a jumper, or by removing the button battery with the PC unplugged from the outlet. This will reset everything in bios to default values, which should allow it to post. If you set things to far out of bounds... your PC won't post; and unless you reset the CMOS... it'll never post, again. So, know how to reset that CMOS. You'll learn to hate doing this, becuase it messes up the time and date of your PC, too....
You'll have to do two things to get the the bus higher than 210mhz. (default is 200mhz)
First thing you'll have to do is reduce the HTlink mulitplier. The default is 5x... you'll need to reduce it to 3X or 4x. Then next thing that needs to be reduced is the Memory ratio or Memory Mhz. Don't know anything about ratio's myself, becuase my motherboard uses Mhz. default is 200mhz, but reducing it to 166mhz gave me enough to overclock to about 270mhz on the bus.... 133 got me higher number, but my system started to become unstable in windows at 133 memory speeds and a HTlink of 3X. Was able to get it to boot into windows at a 300mhz bus, but couldn't run anything in windows... would end up blue screening.
Htlink multiplier is kinda hidden in the bios... Its usually in the bios menu that is related to your video card, not in the menu dealing with OC'ing or memory timings. Should have a menu selections of 1x-5x and auto. Most likely, it's set to auto... which will be 5x (and I've found keeping in Auto doesn't work, found that the PC won't post if you don't set it manually yourself to 4x or 3x). In CPU-z... you really want to keep that HT link as close to 1000mhz as you can... I'm guessing that the default on your machine is also 1000mhz. To make sure that it *is* the default, Download CPU-z, and check what it is right now, without any OC'ing.... whatever it is, you want to try to keep it at that number. Pretty sure it's going to say 1000mhz.
Currently my 939 3000+ with a default GHz rating of 1.8 and a locked multiplier of 9x, is running at 2.4mhz... HTlink is set to 4X (I think... probably a bit high on Cpu-z; like 1100 or something), Bus speed is set to around 270mhz can't remember what the memory is set to, maybe 166mhz? I'd give you better details, but I'm not on that PC, right now; so can't copy CPU-z's numbers.
I'll modify this post later when I get home.... maybe.
But in your case... you should ease up on the bus speed. The higher you go the more difficult it becomes, really.... At the extreme edge, you'll have to retard memory timings. Like increase the cas values and such... And also you'll have to start playing with the CPU voltage, and Memoryvoltage.. I don't really recommend going that far... maybe 215mhz bus should be your goal, for now... and then ease up 1mhz at a time from there. Just watch your CPU temps as you go up...
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