so i'm on deployment & one of our guys got his hands on WOW cracked & we're hooked. (lvl25 paladin w/alchemist profession)ppl i thought had no laptops, HAD LAPTOPS!! laptops were coming out of nowhere once WOW was happening. i tried getting ppl to play CS but it didn't last a week. i mean it's understandable that there is nothing to do on ship, but it has come to the point where we're playing this day & night & stock piling rebulls :shock: am i worried...yes. & the question has crossed my mind, should i get WOW or not i mean it's bad enough i play many shooters online & play with a squad on TS. but WOW requires dedication to it's fullest.
wow doesnt require a lot of dedication, its the most casual MMO out there.
Get it, enjoy it as much or as little (time wise) as you wish, its fun wheter you play for 40 minutes or 4 hours. Especially if you have friends around.
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