With DLC becoming more of marketing tool to lure customers, one thing that has appeared a few times is devs placing extra content on the retail copy. This content while full and functional is locked in one way or another, with the catch being you have to 'buy' it to unlock it or wait for a patch/update that unlocks it at a later date. A few great examples of this are Bioshock 2 (Multiplayer DLC), BFBC2 (Vip map packs are already on the disc), and MW2 (there are extra games modes on the disc that have yet to be released). I am sure there are other examples and I am sure there are instances where the content was never finalize and was just crammed on there for the hell of it - maybe at a later date the devs would finish it or what not.
DLC has proven to be financially beneficial (COD WAW grossed over $80 million from DLC alone) and with game budgets soaring into 8 figure terroritory it makes complete sense for devs to use set assests to create new content. What I am really getting at here is what do you think about locked content that is ALREADY on the disc at launch? Forget whether or not the content is working/functional/finalized, assume it is. Do you think it is fair for devs to charge extra for that if they do not advertise it as being apart of the product you are purchasing? Do you think that you should has access to any content that is placed on the disc when you buy it (sans the code)?
Clearly I have my own opinions, and I would like to know yours. There are +/- to both sides. For example is a law was passed stating that software developers could no longer hide extra content on disc and each disc can only contain the advertised portions, it would be fair to say that some developers would start to skimp on the content available at launch in order to work on DLC (heck its fair to say that this IS happening now). It might also work the other way, some devs might decided to power through and toss in that extra smidgen of game in order to get a better response at launch.
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