Think bioware should try an get out of the contract with ea..Its ea holding them back..Giving them a deadline when to release games..In the past bioware never made sequels now its 1 2 and 3..They never once did this..They had original ips every time..Now with ea, there trying to change this and it ruins them i think..Its a shame one of the best dev teams ruined bye ea..Gladestone1
Ehh...two of their first four games were sequels, and their first three RPGs all had expansion packs. They only really started doing the one-off unique IP thing during their pre-EA 'xbox exclusive' days.
Ea how ever does not care what we think...Look now every game ea makes has to be online..They say its because its the game made that way..Im calling bullcrap its because there trying to fight piracy also but thats another story..Ea is all about the almighty dollar an not about its fan base..The company grew so big it forgot its roots and thats a shame..Gladestone1
To be fair, all of Bioware's early RPGs had online play.
Hell, Dragon Age was originally supposed to be online-focused, but those plans were scrapped after EA bought out their company. Also, I don't think people complained all that much about ME3's online play - it was the writing at the end that was terrible, and that's all on Bioware.
The me series couldve been one of the best shooter rpgs ever..Instead they streamlined it..In the old days bioware wouldve done a great job with this..Now because of ea rushing them its all crap..Gladestone1
Which old days are we talking about here? Maybe back in the late 90s or the early 2000s, when Bioware was making deep-ish RPGs...but they were already making streamlined, console-exclusive action-RPGs before EA bought their company (see Jade Empire - which I really enjoyed, but it's no different to their current titles).
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