First off, lets stop using "best" and "worst" to describe different methods of interacting with games. Lets use terms such as precision, accuracy, ergonomic support, and other such criteria to weigh pros and cons.
Technically, KB+M is more accurate, precise, and can achieve a greater degree of interaction with games and interfaces than a controller can. Let's ask ourselves some questions:
How long does it take you to "type" your name with a controller, versus KB+M?
How accurately and quickly can a controller move a cursor to an item on the screen, versus KB+M?
And, most damning of all, why is there often auto-aim put into console games, and not PC games?
Controllers are comfortable and convenient; sometimes I'd love nothing more than to lounge on a couch with a single device in my hands and play my favorite game, but at what cost? A lower score, frustrating interactions with games and user interfaces, and more.
And I did not say, in my original post, KB+M is appropriate for "ALL games on the PC" as you said I did.
In the end, it comes down to what is natural and comfortable, and for people on the PC, the mouse and keyboard is available, they are already comfortable with it, and it is the best for them most of the time.
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