PC Games Buyer's Guide
A Gamer's Look at the Best PC Games--Updated Regularly
Here is a guide to some of the best PC games ever made. Games are organized by genre.
RED=First-person ShooterGreen=Strategy Dark Blue=RPGOrange=MMORPG Brown=Racing and Flight Yellow=MiscellaneousPurple=Retro Light Blue=Indie
Q: What is Steam?
A: Steam is a program free for download that allows you to digitally purchase games, among other things.
Q: Why don't you have (insert favorite game here) on the list!?!
A: I may not think it will appeal to most gamers, or perhaps I completely forgot about it! Post a message and I'll consider adding it.
First-Person Shooters
The Orange Box
Price: $40 on Steam
Gamerankings Score: 96/100
If there is one must buy game, this would be the one. The Orange Box includes Half-Life 2 and its first two episodes, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. There is something here for everyone. The Half-Life games are linear, highly-scripted affairs that follow the adventures of Gordon Freeman. Portal is a pseudo puzzle game that can be beaten in 3 hours by most gamers and features some of the wittiest dialogue you'll hear in a game. Team Fortress 2 is a c.lass based multiplayer game with cel-shaded graphics and a lot of character. Although not as competitive as Counter-Strike, TF2 is as much fun as can be had in a game. Valve continues to add more content to the game on a regular basis. You can download demos for Half-Life 2 and Portal on Steam.
Call of Duty 4
Price: $40 at
Gamerankings Score: 93/100
Infinity Ward's latest and greatest game, CoD 4 is a strictly linear game that features both a singleplayer and multiplayer component. If you like modern warfare games this is a must play. Try out the demo here.
Price: $40 at Newegg
Gamerankings Score: 91/100
Cevat Yerli's magnum opus and DirectX10 poster child is the source of much controversy. Although the system requirements are rather high, Crysis is one of the better first-person shooters of the last few years. The game features a Nanosuit that allows you to switch between various powers and semi-sandbox s.tyle play. Crysis is rendered on the Cryengine 2 and features both a singleplayer and multiplayer component. I stress that it is essential that you try out the demo first to see if it will run well on your PC. For more info, see mfsa's video review.
Price: $10 at
Gamerankings Score: 82/100
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is considered by many to be a flawed masterpiece. Although it has some technical flaws, many have praised the game for its realistic gunplay and immersive atmosphere. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is not a game for everyone, but if you can overcome some of its hurdles you may find yourself rewarded with a very engrossing FPS.
Counter-Strike 1.6/Source
Price: $10 and $20 on Steam
Gamerankings Score: 89 and 88/100
Arguably the most iconic FPS mutiplayer game. Counter-Strike 1.6 is considered by many to be the more "hardcore" version since it is faster-paced and headboxes are smaller. Counter-Strike: Source is perhaps even more popular and uses the Source engine used in other Valve titles. If you're looking for a competitive multiplayer experience and don't mind a bit of a learning curve (and perhaps a lot of taunting), you will probably find Counter-Strike to be a fantastic value.
Price: $30 for F.E.A.R.Platinum or $22.50 at nuLime
Gamerankins Score: 89/100
F.E.A.R. is an intense, horror first-person shooter. Although the horror elements aren't as pronounced as in other games, F.E.A.R. still delivers a lot of terrifying moments. However, it's the enemy A.I. and the gunplay that are the stars of the show here. You can also download F.E.A.R. mutiplayer for free. A word of caution: stay away from the expansion pack Perseus Mandate.
Battlefield Series
Price: Battlefield 2 Complete-$31 at Newegg Battlefield 2142-$23 Newegg
Gamerankings Score: 90/100 and 80/100
The Battlefield series takes large scale multiplayer to new heights. If you're looking for a large team based shooter with modern combat, this may be the series for you. Most people consider Battlefield 2 and it's expansion packs to be the better game, but you may also want to try out the newer 2142 version.
The Chronicles of Riddick
Price: $25 at
Gamerankings Score: 91/100
Riddick is one of the rare, if not wholly unique, instances where the game is better than the movie. Although it's a forgotten game from 2004, it's still among the best first-person shooters. Make sure you get the director's cut version if you can. For more information on the game, see mfsa's video review.
Serious Sam Series and Painkiller
Price: SS Gold-$10 at JoellyJoel.comPainkiller:Gold-$8.50 at Priceparts
Gamerankings Score: SS First Encounter-84/100 SS Second Encounter-85/100 Painkiller Gold-86/100
Sometimes you're in the mood for a deep, engaging game with a profound plot. At other times, you just want to shoot the hell out of things and not take a second look back. If you are looking for the latter, the Serious Sam series and Painkiller may just be the games for you. Although these titles are older (circa 2001, 2002, and 2004), they offer intense, fast-paced, over the top action. Painkiller also features some pretty epic boss battles. Make sure you get the gold versions of these games for maximum value. For more info, see Greg Kasavin's reviews: First Encounter/Second Encounter/Painkiller
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