I had asked for a gift of a controller to pc game because my ps4 controllers will never stay connected when I hook them up because simple movements disconnect them.
Well I was gifted an xbox one controller when I asked for 360 because I know that 360 controllers are the most supported. I haven't opened it however due to my indecision on what I should do, looking online for quite a while (since christmas), I haven't been able to find anything and it's been something I've been ignoring.
Anyway I have a few questions
1) Does anyone know what's going on with my ps4 controllers? (I have inputmapper) I think it's a matter of the controller since input mapper SEEMS to work but the controllers keep getting unplugged, although I might be wrong about this.
2) SAy a game supports xbox 360 like a lot of modern games, would xbox one also be able to support those games?
3) Are xbox 360 controllers going to stop being supported with future pc games in favor of xbox one controllers or what's going on there?
4) Would you advise I use the xbox one controller (and get another as far as couch co op is concerned) or that I trade it in and get 2 xbox 360 controllers. I care both about games that are out AND future games. I do not want to have to have 360 controllers and have to get one controllers later, I don't have any xboxs so it wouldn't be beyond pc gaming. However, I don't want to get an xbox one controller or two and then get stuck not being able to play 360 supported games because I have a rather extensive pc library of single player and couch co op games.
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