Hey everyone. I got a macbook for my studies, music, and gaming, and it turns out that I didn't realized macbooks suck for gaming. However, the other qualities of it are great, and it's defiently worth it besides the gaming. So, I decided to get a gaming PC desktop. However, I don't know anything about PC's. I want a custom rig with the best stuff you can put in it for $800 or under. Pretty much, I wanna play Crysis on full settings, browse the web and do some Microsoft Word and maybe watch a blu-ray movie or do some photoshop. It really doesn't need to handle photoshop actually, my mac is there for that. So help would be appreciated and thank you.
I'm not exactly sure, I'll buy a monitor with it, so the resoultion will work with that....Actually, I have no idea. I need a moniter, a desktop, speaker, keyboard. Altogether around 850-900 for all of this. Or perferably a good desktop.
Yeah, for Crysis, the max settings on the maximum resolution 25somethingsomething X something I believe, is pretty much far-fetched unless you have the most superly suped up computer known to the little boys and girls of suburban homes. A small resolution like 1024X something or 1280X by something, a mid-range or slightly higher graphics card should do the trick. Don't take my word on that though.
Yeah, but what are good graphics cards and good motherboards and such? I'm tempted to buy an Alienware or Dell, but I know they are really overpriced. Help?
There is no way that you will be able to play Crysis at full settings with that budget. You may be able to play at medium settings, if you buy monitor, keyboard and mouse for less than 200$. I would suggest that you wait a couple of months and save up some money before buying a gaming rig. Oh by the way: DON'T buy an alienware or any of those pre-built computers. They will rip you off, for sure.
Oops, my bad. I mean that I want the actual rig for 850ish. The monitor, speakers and keyboard will come in later. Still, I need someone to supply some basic knowledge on gaming rigs so I can kinda understand how they work. To me, understanding gaming rigs is probably pc gaming's only flaw.
Well my system costs me 1080 euros without the peripherals, and I run Crysis at max settings with 2AA and 8AF at 1280x1024, but I'll see how well it runs on 1680x1050 when I buy the new monitor next month.
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