My first system was the SNES. I skipped the PS1 and N64 years while I was in college. After graduating, I eventually bought an xbox, gamecube, and PS2.
I got an xbox 360 about 6 months after launch for Oblivion. I didn't want to try PC gaming because I wanted to play on my couch with the bigscreen. I didn't like the idea of the keyboard and mouse, and I thought PC gaming was too much trouble and too expensive.
About 4 months ago, I finally built a gaming PC for Crysis and STALKER. Over the last 4 months I've been catching up on all the PC games I've missed. Saturday I played Call Duty 4 on the PC. I'd already played the **** out of it on the 360, it's one of my favorite games of all time. I thought it looked awesome on the PC, but I remember thinking it was awesome on the 360 too. For kicks I fired it up again on the 360. Oh ****.
1. I can't believe how bad it looks now on the 360. There's no detail.
2. I can't believe how hard it is to control with the two thumbsticks. I've only been playing keyboard and mouse for 4 months. Relatively speaking, I **** at it. I've been playing games with 2 thumbsticks for over 4 years. But compared with the keyboad + mouse, the thumbsticks are so clumsy. It completely destroyes the imersion in the game.
I don't know if I can tolerate consoles anymore. Remember how you always thought TV looked fine until you saw HDTV? Now everytime you see regular TV it just looks like crap? It's like that.
my Rig:
Q6600 at 3.3ghz, 8800 GTS OC'd, 2 gigs ram
You can build my rig for ~$700 now (Cost me ~$800 4 months ago). It will play most games on the highest settings.
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