Is it me or has gaming on the PC got cheaper. My first proper PC for gaming was bought in 1999-1999 itcost me £1000 didn't have a graphics card and was a pentium 350mhz. Ended up buying a vodoo3 for it.Played the game alright, but started to struggle later on.
Then in late 2000, i spent £2000 on a PC, 1ghz pentium, 128mb ram, geforce 2 gts card, later upgraded to a geforce 3 card and by god it played games again alright but after a year or so it started to struggle with the games. Planetside was really really bad.
So for a long time afterwards i dealt with low settings, and poor fps, and got myself a ps2.
skip to 2005 and i got me a PC for £600, AMD 64 3000, 1gb ram and a 6600gt, that PC is still going and is my media pc, where i play a few games like FEAR, Beyond good and evil, trackmania, etc from my sofa and little hdtv.
My next PC was in early 2006, again cost me around $600, amd 64 3000, 2 gb ram , 7600gt, this is my main gaming PC, upgraded the CPU to a X2 4400, and a 8800gts 640MB card, and i play all the new games on high. Crysis on High and post pros. on medium. Have switch shadows and shaders on medium to give me a boost in multiplayer games.
So what my point, as far as i can tell PC gaming is a lot chaper than it used to be. My next PC which will be purchased next year should cost me around £700, going to get a quad core (intel or amd), 9 series card and 4gb of ram.
I could stick with my present gaming PC for another year, but i want my hands on a quad so hence buying a new one.
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