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hey everyone just wonderin if anyone has ne sujestions to my issue with my computer while palying games. my specs are bellow but i now have 4 gigs of ram if u want more deteailed specs let me no
neways with the following games call of duty 4 bioshock and world in conflict. im only able to get 30-40 min of game play before the game locks up. i cant alt tab or cnt alt delete or ne of those goodies. so im forced to do a hard shutdown. sometimes it happens within the 1st 15 min of play. or not at all for the whole day. wtf!!! haha
neways i have done the following
air canister to remove dust from vid card and cpu and all fans basicly the hardware is cleaned like new
uninstalled ntunes cause i heard it could be a possible problem
installed latest video drivers
removed unused sound card
i even defragmented all my drives and did disk cleanups
ran anti virus and spyware
and yet i still lock up. i no my pc can handle the games with ease maxxed out. cept for my cpu which is a little slow.
any advice tips and all that good stuff will greatly be apreciated
thx- Ov3rkillOverkill00666
Might want to make sure your CPU isn't overheating. That can stop your computer.
[QUOTE="Overkill00666"]hey everyone just wonderin if anyone has ne sujestions to my issue with my computer while palying games. my specs are bellow but i now have 4 gigs of ram if u want more deteailed specs let me no
neways with the following games call of duty 4 bioshock and world in conflict. im only able to get 30-40 min of game play before the game locks up. i cant alt tab or cnt alt delete or ne of those goodies. so im forced to do a hard shutdown. sometimes it happens within the 1st 15 min of play. or not at all for the whole day. wtf!!! haha
neways i have done the following
air canister to remove dust from vid card and cpu and all fans basicly the hardware is cleaned like new
uninstalled ntunes cause i heard it could be a possible problem
installed latest video drivers
removed unused sound card
i even defragmented all my drives and did disk cleanups
ran anti virus and spyware
and yet i still lock up. i no my pc can handle the games with ease maxxed out. cept for my cpu which is a little slow.
any advice tips and all that good stuff will greatly be apreciated
thx- Ov3rkilldf853
Might want to make sure your CPU isn't overheating. That can stop your computer.
Try taking the side of the case off and running it. Give it a good vacuum aswell. If there is a lot of dust that can interfere.Sounds a bit like a memory leak to me? I'm lucky enough not to have had this problem before.
Have you got 32 bit windows or 64? (or perhaps not at all, ha!) Because 32 bit wont support your full 4gigs of RAM. :P With that amount of RAM I hope you've switched off virtual memory!
(I wouldn't think it's overheating, afterall you seem to have a modern system.)
Excess ram will not cause any problems ( shouldn't anyway )
I have 4 gigs of ram ona 32XP system and while XP doesn't read all of still uses it.)
Sounds like your PSU or GPU/CPU overheating or lack of power.
If it happens when your gaming and cranking the graphics the card could be drawing more power then your PSU can handle.
Or it could be overheating....
Whats your PSU and how old is it.?
yea i got a 750 wat psu so the power isnt the problem i no now for a fact its overheating im at 54c idle with gpu fan at 100% i think im gonna break down and buy this
but is it just that or does it come with the water pump and what not
Is your CPU voltage set correctly? if it is too high that can cause your CPU to overheat.
Here's what I would do:
Take one of the side panels off your computer. Then get one of those cheap portable fans and have it just sitting there, constantly blowing a whole bunch of air into your computer whenever you turn it on. It's a little strange, but it works.
Excess ram will not cause any problems ( shouldn't anyway )
I have 4 gigs of ram ona 32XP system and while XP doesn't read all of still uses it.)
I wasn't saying having excess RAM will cause a problem. What I was suggesting was an upgrage to 64 bit.
[QUOTE="OgreB"]Excess ram will not cause any problems ( shouldn't anyway )
I have 4 gigs of ram ona 32XP system and while XP doesn't read all of still uses it.)
I wasn't saying having excess RAM will cause a problem. What I was suggesting was an upgrage to 64 bit.
I don't think that is going to be the problem. No game out there requires more RAM than a 32-bit machine can handle. I would say if your CPU or GPU has a temp gauge on it, check it. I know my GPU has one and it tells you the max temp it should operate at. The temp is accessible through the nvidia control panel. I don't know about the cpu temp. I think there are programs out there that can tell you what the temp is... but maybe that's only on laptops. I dont' know. In any case, if you notice it's getting too hot then there's the problem. If that turns out to be the problem then the best idea would be to get better fan. If that't not enough maybe your cpu needs a better thermal grease job. If that doesn't work you could underclock your cpu. That keep it from producing as much heat in the first place. If that doesn't work you could take the screen out of your second story window and drop the computer out.
Thats a horrible solution. You effectively destroy proper airflow in your case and nullify any other fans that are working in it.
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