Is it PC snobbery, am I a fanyboy? I would hope not! but who knows...
I am sat here dissapointed, I'm an open minded gamer, I have a PC Wii PS3 DS PSP, a PS3 because at the time it was the cheapest set top Blu Ray player, a Wii cos I grew up with nintendo and it looks good fun to be had with my kids and a DS and PSP cos I need somthing to do on the toilet :P I dont have a 360 as I cannot yet find a reason to own one... until recently!
Why am I dissapointed, well.... as Primarily a PC gamer you may be shocked to hear that last year one of my fav games was Gears of War, exceptional peice of action gaming, bringing me onto gears 2, I was truly gutted it wasnt coming to PC, damn greedy b'stard's at epic, surley they are making enough cash of the UE alone to give us a slice, but hey!
Anyho a freind of mine, 360 owner, got it, bigged it up, and cos he is such a good friend he has lent me his 360 with Gears 2 for a week, just so I can get my fill....
PC snobbery! is it? I read all the previews all the post game BS from cliffyB about the enhancements, the souped up graphics etc etc, watched all the hig res (small) videos, which have a tendancy to make a poor game look good.... it was all looking good... until a few hours ago... I plugged the 360 into the component side of my 32" viewsonic and sat back... blured! jaggey! green! washed out! what was going on.... Opps I plugged the blue into the white sound input... corrected it, oh its not so green anymore... and the rest!... the same..... I switch the input back to my PC and loaded up Gears 1.... OK its running 1920x1200....but hey wtf.... Cliffy B said Gears 2 was a revolution....!!!
Not even close... after playing through Gears 1 on PC... Gears 2 looks like Gears 0.2 or somthing... awful... OK the game is nice and through the blur and jag there are some nice touches but wft! OK it maybe PC snobbery but Im off to play Left 4 Dead... Gears 2 is making me nauseous!
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