Please...... Your Phenom 2 and a GTX 570 kills your brother's(or friend's cant remember) i3 2100 and 6850 , and yet you say his beats yours.... there's something wrong on your end. You just cant accept the fact that a Phenom 2 X4 is a better buy then a i3 2100..... also your bench's prove that Phenom's are faster with multithreaded based apps and games.
The 570 kills the 6850, but it's being held back by the 965. If you venture to other forums they'll say the same thing.
Once you put the res to actual resolutions that people play at, the difference between CPUs all but disappears. I have a friend with a 2700k and a 5870 and a friend with a athlon II x4 640 and a 670, guess whose computer gets better performance.
Let me guess? the Intel based system?..... No? aw....."Radeon HD 7970 CPU scaling performance review "
Conclusion..... "the long story short is simple, any modern age quad-core processor will do just fine with the Radeon HD 7970. You will start seeing CPU limitation mostly in the lower resolutions up-to 1600x1200, but considering that everybody is playing at 1920x1080/1200 these days the reality remains that you really do not need a 1000 USD processor."
Basically even with SP if there was any real cpu bottlenecking with the gpu you will see it. So your Phenom 2 X4 + 570 with BF3 should be getting better performance then an i3 2100+6850. And if you are not then the problem is you and or your configuration... no if's and's or butts.
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