My nominees are:
1)Crysis Warhead (expansion = disqualified)
2) Far Cry 2 (No flashlight and paintball guns = disqualified)
3) Dead Space (can only see 2/3's of the screen and port = disqualified)
4) Wrath of The Lich King (i don't play wow but its seems appopriate) (they spelt B*tch wrong = disqualified)
5)GTA 4 (port = disqualified)
6) Left 4 Dead (its got to do with Valve so...) (zombies?! are you kidding me = disqualified)
7) Red Alert 3 (relies on short skirts and tight tops for advertising purposes, crappy box art = disqualified)
8) Fallout 3 (has potential)
9) Spore (didnt play it but again seems like the thing they would include) (absolute waste of my money = disqualified)
10) The Witcher : Enhanced Edition (does this count?) (ofcourse it counts it's the best game on your list so far)
Notable mentions:
1) Warhammer: Age of Reckoning
2) Clear Sky
3) Mass Effect
4) Age of Conan
5) Sins of A Solar Empire
6) Hell's Highway
7) Empire Total War (don't know when its out but if it comes out this year it could be big)
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