I'm trying to find a nice cheap copy of Planescape: Torment somewhere online, but everywhere I look, people want $50+ for it! Is there a reason why a decade-old game is selling for more than a brand new one? Also, where should I look to get a decent deal for that game?
because it's rare to find these day so people gouge the prices. Try amazon.com marketplace. They often have the games there pretty cheap and thats where i got my copy a few years back
You might wanna try places like craigslist if you have no luck with ebay and amazon. Either way, don't give up on your search for the game. Playing through the whole game my first time through was quite possibly the best gaming experience I've ever had.
Keep an eye on the good old games website. (gog.com) Last time I looked Planescape: Torment was one of the highest requested games. Hopefully the people who run the site will get the game soon. If they do you'll be paying either $6 or $10.
Its not abandonware yet. You can still find copies in the bargain bins at walmart and bestbuy. Look for the $10 rack. As to why its worth so much, its considered one of the greatest RPGs of its era.
because it's rare to find these day so people gouge the prices. Try amazon.com marketplace. They often have the games there pretty cheap and thats where i got my copy a few years backsmerlus
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