Hi Guys,
I need to get my old man off doom 1 & 2and onto a new FPS. It saddens methat he has been playing + re-playing the same game over and over for the last decade. He plays about once every month or so.
Like Doom 1&2, I need a game that:
1. has very simple controls: Doom has up,down,left,right, jump,fire,open keys (+ the weapons). No mouse needed (i.e. 2D games are what i want)
2. has some fun, varied, good looking, good sounding guns.
3. Game is EASY & Simple (nothing complicated please). repeat: simple please.
5. Runs perfectly well on win XP. Doom 1 & 2 run absolutely wonderfully onXP. No glitches, runs smoothely and the sound and graphics hold up well for a game that's as old as my 6ft brother!
Thank you
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