Just the whole attitude towards the game is different, they're even marketing it different by themselves calling it a tactical shooter. Microtransactions don't bother me and neither does Co-op. It's the core gameplay that looks different. The idea of Isaac was he was clunky and slow in his huge battle tank suit. Causing you to turn slightly slower than normal and run slowly too and having to reload at crucial times building tension. But now they've give him much more mobility, things like a stupid combat roll (how is that possible in that solid mass of metal?) and they have hybrid weapons making it far easier to take out enemies and having to reload less.
Everything just screams streamlined action and what I've seen so far (even the more horror type sections) seem a lot different. If it reviews well I will get it later, but right now I don't want it. I still have Dead Space 1 and 2 which are fantastic games
I have been largely feeling the same way but i am starting to think EA is just marketing a bit differently so that it will have more mainstream appeal. From what I hear the actual moment to moment gameplay isn't much different from the first two games. DS 2 had more responsive controls but still retained the tension of the first game, so I am cautiously optimistic that the third game will play the same as the first two if you choose to ignore some of the gameplay additions.
I'm still going to wait for it to come out and hear people's feedback but I don't think it will be as bad as some people are making it out to be. After all, its the same developers as the first two games, it will be much longer than the first two games (alledgedly) and has some additions that sound like a change for the better (finding resources for weapon crafting).
Some things like microstransactions, rolling and a cover system are a bit hard to swallow I agree, the deliberate pace of the action in the first two games was one of its strongest points, but I am not giving up hope that the third game will scrap it entirely.
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