[QUOTE="JP_Russell"][QUOTE="artur79"] [QUOTE="Kev_Boy"]Oh look at me I can shoot a portal myself everywhere... unless it's a metallic surface... in the same environment... for no real purpose... and ending in 4 hours. Seriously now come on, how can you not agree Prey does a better job :)artur79
Prey is a pile of poo compared to Portal. I think it's as average as FPSs get. Sorry, but I bet most people will agree with me on this one. Oh, well, opinions differ.
Averagely good, yes. Not great, but good.
I think it was worse than Doom 3 and Quake 4. Those are good games. Prey is okey at it's core, pretty much the same as the abovementioned titles, I guess. I just did not like the game-mechanics at all. Like the fact that you can't die, yeah, great design-choice, devs, really adds suspence to the game. Not... And the portals/gravity thing were a gimmick. They did not add anything to the gameplay beyond "wow, this is cool" the first couple of times.
Wait, didn't you die if you failed to get any life back in the spirit world?
Personally, I liked Prey about just as much as Quake 4 and Doom 3. They're all better and worse than each other in their own ways, all falling in the 7.5-8.0 range for me. Here's how I compare them.
+better art design
+better color pallete
+very little of the excessive darkness in the other two games
+weapons are individually more potent and satisfying and fill their niches better than in the other two games
+enemies require more varied tactics
+environments are a little less repetitive
+the portals and gravity manipulation, while gimmicky, at least add some soft puzzle elements to give you something to do besides run-and-gun
+linearity is not as blatantly uncovered as in the other two games
+I like the flying vehicle thing
-too few weapons with overly sparse ammo
-too few enemies
-environments are still a bit repetitive
-linearity still isn't covered up well enough all the time
-the story itself isn't deplorable, but it isn't presented very well
-the physics suck
Doom 3
+weapons fill their roles against various different enemies well
+lots of very cool-looking enemies, some of the most visually stunning bosses in any game
+PDA's break up the monotonous combat that all three games suffer from
+pulls off the whole "demons from hell on Mars" feeling very well
+honestly, probably the best story out of the three games, though it still isn't anything special
+spectacular use of the shadows
-weapons are still mostly weak and effectually dissatisfactory
-painful linearity
-every enemy just tries to come right at you, making combat consist almost entirely of running backward down corridors while you try to kill the enemy before it catches up to you.
-PDA's are still only mildly entertaining and are not as central as they could have been
-Goddamn it, if they pull that maintenance hatch peekaboo trick on me one more frikin' time...
-What is this "light" you speak of?
-the physics suck
Quake 4
+Ah, so that's what light is. Well, okay, we'll add a trickle.
+more cool-looking enemies, more visually stunning bosses, slightly better variation in combat tactics needed for different enemies than Doom 3
+weapons feel a bit meatier and more reliable than in Doom 3
+yay for vehicles
+much less low-polygon count than in other two games
+extra points just for the Stroggification bit, and for you getting upgraded in the process
-Ah, so that's what light is. Well, okay, we'll add a trickle.
-weapons don't fill respective niches very well, and they aren't quite as satisfying to shoot as Prey's; weapon upgrades feel very gimmicky
-more poorly covered-up linearity
-more running backward from charging enemies down linear paths, pelting them and hoping they die before they get you
-(aside from short vehicle segments) there's averagely good run-and-gun gameplay, and... averagely good run-and-gun gameplay... how exciting
-the physics suck
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