Is think gaming in general is declining. The only reason why consoles are doing "good" is because they are lagging behind in decline.
All we get is the same overused cloned games over and over again, no genres outside of action and rts, and a TON of garbage mas produced by EA ment only as a flavor of the week. This is happening on console as well, just because they get high rated and more garbage than PC gets doesn't mean they are ahead.
The only reason why consoles are doing good is because these games are mostly bought by 12 year olds who think, for some reason, that they are good/cool. Also a lot of people who really are not gamers are buying them as well. Those people usually dont have the hardware for PC games.
They will feel the decline eventually. You know things are going bad when Atari is losing money and EA restructures their company and says they are changing how they run things (ie. they want to get their "good" name back lose due to bad games). These companies sell on console.
Gaming has already died for true gamers, its just a bunch of garbage for ADHD 12 year olds now. Master of Orion? Baldurs Gate stlye RPGs? Tactical Strategy (x-com)? CRPGs? Lucasarts Style adventure games? Space Sims? All dead genres only released by small companies with a very small if not unnoticed released. The big companies is all action garbage, so gaming is dead for me.
Thank god I buy 3rd party however which is still good, soon all these idiots will leave for console games and PC games will be for gamers once again.
Ok, lots of opinions, good. I didn't say I'm worried about PC Gaming coming to an end, or that my one store example was indicative of a sweeping trend, I just wanted to get people's thoughts about this topic.
It seems to me, after reading these posts, that a lot of people feel as passionate about PC Gaming as I do, which is great.
Out of the 40 plus posts I've read, I picked the one above because the author took a unpopular stand.
I wonder if there is an analogy to Hollywood...PC Hardware has allowed some pretty spectacular and expensive "blockbuster" titles that feature the best graphics and fX etc...
These games take a long time to create, and these games are very I could see how a Studio would want to give the game the broadest market appeal possible to make the game profitable.
So I wonder if we will see "Hollywood Type Blockbuster Games", that aren't so deep, or subtle, and basically are "pop" type products, put out by huge studios like EA or whoever, with tons of promotion...
In the shadows of the "blockbusters", though, there are the more nuanced Indie Films for the types of people who aren't as interested in the more independent gaming studios could in theory fill that void.
I just wander about the economics of it create a game that is graphically competitive, it seems like that costs a ton of money. For a Studio that is not a behemoth, well, they have limited it seems like the story or some part of the game would suffer...or, at least, the marketing budget would get killed and fewer people would hear about the game.
But for the studios with the money...well, I am ignorant but my experience is that corporate behemoths aren't as into taking big risks on creativity...they just seem more driven by the bottom line for shareholders and pumping out a product with a lot of promotion that will hit the biggest niche possible...and that may indeed beteenagers with consoles (or not?).
MY BOTTOM LINE GUT FEELING ABOUT THE SITUATION: As the hardware has become more powerful, it seems that the time and money required to create a product that takes advantage of that hardware increases as well. Few people are fearless enough to bet a studio on one game...therefore it seems possible that the Behemoths may be the only ones with the resources to compete in the current/foreseeable PC gaming environment.
Perhpas EA will create a Miramax type subdivision of itself that is committed first to creative/unique gaming concepts and publish them under this subsidiary studios name for gamers like myself who sometimes feel that we're just seeing "more of the same" for a number (not all) of games coming out.
At any rate, I don't think PC Gaming is dying. I just spent $2,000 on a rig and have owned around 200-250 PC games...besides my other rig, which cost more but is for travelling.
I'm not sure what I'm looking for in a PC Game...perhaps it's time to move on and give it up as a hobby...however, I know things will continue to improve.
Finally, I would say that we are still in "the golden age of PC Gaming" which began, for me, in the early 1990's...part of me feels like it may have tappered off over the past two years...but I'm an optimist who is biased so I hope PC Gaming rules and remains relevant for many years to come. Thanks to everyone who posted.
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