So, my cousins pc is having an issue with games... the only games so far thats given this issue are COD2 (yes cod2... we cant run 4 cuz our pcs suck...), and world of warcraft, the problem is those are the only 2 games my cousin has "that put to work his pc" since our pcs are from the dinosaurs era and where men used panties instead of whatever we use now (?) lmao haha. We got no idea whatsoever about whats happening with his pc... we can't even play a match of cod2 without him disconnecting to restart every 2 minutes because a "black screen" that forces him to restart the pc manually... HALP PLEASE! ughhh *cough* *cough* I mean, please help us out!
if you guys have the money you could upgrade to better things for a fairly cheap price. i mean it wont be amazing but it will be better than having a rig that screws up every 2 minutes.
if you guys have the money you could upgrade to better things for a fairly cheap price. i mean it wont be amazing but it will be better than having a rig that screws up every 2 minutes.
So easy to say huh? we don't get technology here at good prices buddy, whatever I'm not gonna even explain it to you... well my cousins pc is a:
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