I just spent all day putting together my new PC, and after all the hardware assembley, I try to install Vista. My HD isn't being recognized (SATA set to AHCI), and I cant figure out how to install the drivers from the Motherboard disk. I only have 1 DVD drive on that computer, but the manual says I can take the motherboard disk onto a different system, and transfer the drivers ("Use an alternative system and insert the motherboard driver disk. From your optical drive folder, double click the Menu.exe file in the BootDrv folder. A command window appears" The command window has me hit 1-4 for the type of instal I want (Windows vista x64 bit), but when I do that it doesn't extract.))
Any tips would be nice.
Also, do you have to install the drivers from a floppy, or can you do it from a disk?
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