what main problems do you see in first person shooters today
I'm talking about weapon design, story, background information, etc. not graphics
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what main problems do you see in first person shooters today
I'm talking about weapon design, story, background information, etc. not graphics
The main problems with FPS games these days are...
1. Linearity. Too many games are on-the-rails linear, with very little freedom of choice in how to get from A to B or how to overcome particular obstacles. When Deus Ex came along, I thought that future FPS games would take note of the great multi-pathway level design and options in how to overcome obstacles - but for some reason these things weren't really adopted.
2. Clone syndrome. We still have to put up with hundreds of enemies who all look the same as each other, and NPCs/allies with little variation between them. Surely it cannot be too difficult to design characters where you can randomise their gear/looks. I recall Soldier Of Fortune 2 had something like this, which helped to make enemies less 'cookie-cutter'. Personally I would rather face a dozen well-designed 'smart' enemies in a level, than pump lead into hordes of enemies who all look and act the same.
3. Crates and barrels. Still the bane of the genre.
4. Indestructable doors/windows/barriers etc. All obviously to keep you within the constraints of the level as designed - but it breaks immersion when you can't jump over a 3 foot high barrier, or break a wooden door, or smash a window to see the room beyond. Level design should be a bit more inventive to overcome these factors.
5. Floating heads. Many modern FPS games still rely on floating heads, ie, you look down and you have no body as if you are essentially a floating head. With graphics becoming ever more realistic - it seems stupid now not to see your character's body. It felt much more immersive in FEAR to see your hands gripping the ladder, and seeing your legs scissor kick opponents. In my view if a game is aiming for greater realism, then a player body is something of a must-have.
6. Weapon loadouts. For the most part we end up with the same lineup of weapons over and over again, always starting with a pistol, then getting a shotgun/rifle, then an MG, then a rocket launcher - all because the enemies are supposed to become more difficult over the course of the game. I'd rather be able to pick the weapons I want to use from the outset - this kind of feature was present in games like Soldier Of Fortune, and most tactical shooters, but most shooters still give you the same tired weapon progression. The other problem is usually the lack of variety or 'interesting' weapons. Unreal and Half-Life included some unusual and interesting weapons to complement the usual types, and it was great fun to experiment with them.
7. Crosshairs. A pet hate of mine, but it seems all modern PC shooters these days come with that horrible huge circular console crosshair. Whatever happened to being able to pick your own type and colour of crosshair - or turn it off completely?
8. Story. More and more games are trying to deliver 'cinematic' experiences, so more and more games are becoming heavily scripted linear experiences. Most stories rely too heavily on old cliches, similar kinds of enemy and an overall plot that was written on the back of a matchbox. There's too much 'me too' going on in the industry - for example, have you noticed the huge number of FPS games now offering 'Modern Warfare' all set in the Middle East? FFS...come up with something original.
9. Poor optimisation and multi-platform development. The PC versions invariably end up as an unoptimised mess complete with unintuitive console-****interfaces. Is it really that hard to include point and click mouse support for menus, advanced options to tweak performance for different configurations of PC hardware, etc.? And why do we end up with that horrible tunnel-vision effect and slow-mo turning suited better to consoles? I tried playing the GRAW demo and it felt like I was moving through molasses and you were permanently 'zoomed in' when looking around. Blech.
10. Enemies...enemies...enemies. Why is it that we invariably battle our way through environments and hardly ever come across neutral people caught in the conflict? The maps always seem to be populated by enemies. There are only a handful of modern games that seem to include ordinary people in the levels, like Half-Life 2, or even Jedi Knight, Unreal and No one Lives Forever. By having ordinary citizens in at least some of the levels, you have opportunities to extend the gameplay to protecting those characters from attack - or letting them die, which then introduces some hard moral choices.
11. Flora and Fauna. By the same token, few shooters include animals of any kind, making the environments seem barren and lifeless. I remember when I played Unreal for the first time and gave a nod of satisfaction at seeing the Nali rabbits, the birds, the fish swimming in the water. They had absolutely nothing to do with the plot, but they helped to bring that world alive and improve the immersion factor immensely. Of course it's dependent on the type of game, but I think more games should include these peripheral life forms to help set the scene.
11. Dumb AI. The enemies still aren't smart enough for the most part. They still tend to stand around or go through the same motions over and over, making them relatively easy to kill. I think a lot more could be done with AI so that enemies actively seek to outflank you, protect themselves from incoming fire, etc., and therefore become tougher to kill. FEAR made some improvements, and even Far Cry had it's moments - I remember a time when I thought I'd cleared out an area, went to progress and got shot in the back by an enemy who had hidden in the shadows and waited.
12. HUDs and hand-holding. Is it me or are HUDs becoming ever more intrusive, ie, taking up too much screen real-estate? In addition there seems to be a bit too much hand-holding going on these days - press button X to do Y. This is obviously a hangover from console games being ported to the PC. Whatever happened to reading the manual, or actually taking notice when you go through an in-game tutorial level, or even...just trying to interact with things yourself? Do we really need to be reminded which button to press EVERY time we can interact with something? Half the fun in older games was stumbling across something that worked when you pressed the 'use' key.
13. Bosses. Do we really need specially-designed levels/chambers for boss encounters? Should we still have boss encounters at all in locked rooms with lots of ammo and health? I mean - it defies logic anyway. The big smart evil bad guy locks himself in a room with you - a room packed with health and ammo only you can use, and that ammo is going to be used against him. Okay. So much for smart enemies.
14. Interaction. Many environments in shooters these days just feel stale and unbelievable because you can't interact with them enough. From indestructable wooden crates, porcelain vases etc., to computers that can never be damaged, doors and windows that can't be broken in spite of the fact you have explosives to hand, lights that can't be shot out or turned off, etc... it goes on and on. Hopefully some of the next gen games like Crysis will start to really address this.
15. Multiplayer. It has to be said - if you are going to include MP with your SP game, for god's sake do something more interesting than Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag game modes, especially considering the wealth of MP only games that do these things a lot better. I would rather a developer spend extra time expanding and improving the SP experience, rather than have some forgettable MP component tacked on that only a handful of people are going to play for a month before switching back to their MP game of choice. All that development time simply goes to waste, and invariably means a game that could have been great turns out to be average.
not a single problem - story should be good, graphics should be good, gameplay should be good
take example of HL2
oh yeah there's 1 problem - few FPSs have great singleplayer but the multiplayer is kinda lame or boring or opposite
FPSs need a good singleplayer and multiplayer such as in CoD series
I just hate it when there are these games zithout a descent storyline. It's all about the gfx. And when they aee ok it's about the gameplay. But what about the storyline. Most of the times i couldnt stop playing singleplayer fps because of the story behind it, but these last 2 years I always played the games half way then i just got bored because the story was to bad... Maybe they should start working a little more on the story before they go on and making the uber gfx... (this also would be good for the wallet if i didnt had to change gfx cards every 6 months lol! yhank god for atis cheap solution) meh.
what i would like to see in an upcoming fps:
-post nuclear environnement or anything with a dark feeling in the close or far future (enough with the america vs irak etc, and enough with the WO II shooters. Give it a rest for a while)
-a nice storyline
-good gfx
-good gameplay
-brutal weapons
-times of pure chaos and heavy gunfights
-times of tactical insight and cleverness
(I hope crysis will be like this accept for the darkish feeling xD)
What's wrong is that most developers are making the same game over and over again with improved graphics. Im really looking forward to Bioshock which will hopefully have both a good story and fresh gameplay.ikwal
Uh...Bioshock is 'the same game with improved graphics'...ever heard of the System Shock games?
[QUOTE="ikwal"]What's wrong is that most developers are making the same game over and over again with improved graphics. Im really looking forward to Bioshock which will hopefully have both a good story and fresh gameplay.Planeforger
Uh...Bioshock is 'the same game with improved graphics'...ever heard of the System Shock games?
Eh, ever read up on Bioshock? It's nothing like System Shock.
I think hardware developers either need to speed up or the software devs. need to slow down. I find it rediculous to spend $XXXX of the latest hardware only to get barely acceptable or sub par performance. If I buy a $500+ graphics card It should run any game out without question reguardless of a processor being a year older or "only" having 1 gig of ram. That or different rendering methods need to be taken into consideration. I think software devs need slow down anyway though. About six months ago R6 Vegas was released and about a month ago I seen Ubi had already begun hyping a next game in the series complete with its own subliminal website. And now I see theres already another Splinter Cell game in the works...Give Me A _____ Break! No doubt that the performance will be even worse with these. What ever happened to supporting your products for a little while and then moving on.
Developers need get back to designing their games the way they see fit and with help and ideas from their supporting community, and without the interference of big corporations. They should have no say in how devs make their games or set guidelines and restrictions upon them.
It seems like every game out there has got some kind of next gen motion blur or depth of field feature or 10 gigs of textures. Having huge texture files does not make a game next gen imo. I have not even played a single game with any of these features, but I am already tired of it. To me its just a cheap effect that shows laziness of direction. A few titles are excluded from this, COJ;Cry. Also this whole new GeoW style cover system is getting out of hand. Again I have not yet played a single game that uses it, but I know I dont like it. I thought it was cool and worked well for geow, then its used in Vegas, and now in BIA, and who knows What next. I'll take the traditional leaning method for its realistic approach. I also think every FPS should have the option to lean, even the somewhat run and guns. Obviously its has no place in games like Painkiller, or your serious sams.
Speaking of leaning, I would like to see single player enemy AI use leaning, crouching and prone positioning, instead of just standing in the wide open saying "hey shoot me". It would be great to have some of your own tactics used against you. It would definitly make you play more cautiously not knowing wether or not if an enemy is lying in ambush or crouched down behind a dumpster ready to lean out and put a round in your head.
I am also sick of this toggled consolised movement and aiming down sight system. FFS atleast give me the option. Example: When I take my finger off of "W" to stop moving forward guess what, I STOP MOVING FORWARD! Likewise when I release my crouch key I should rise. Yeah I know its a a strech. None of this having to press the crouch key again to rise, or better yet a completly different stance up key. That !#%^ used to get me killed more times than I'd like to admit.
That and pretty much everything Robert said :D
A total lack of innovation all around. I pick up an FPS today and they all seem like the same stale bread regardless of how pretty or ugly they look. Actually this is more of a global problem all around in all genre's. The industry is stagnating.
I hate how FPS's are all about the online multiplayer now. What ever happened to a good, well scripted, single player campaign.
Lights that can't be shot out or turned off, etc... it goes on and on. Hopefully some of the next gen games like Crysis will start to really address this.RobertBowen
Mind you this isn't always possible, suppose the game requires you to turn the power off so the lights are then off and later in you need to turn the power back on and the lights turn on. If you just shot out all lights this whole concept is dead in the water.
Also in real-time engines like Doom 3, you can't afford to have every light source be an extra light, you need to fake it a but and make multiple lightsources emit from 1 actual light. Otherwise your frame-rate will go drastically down.
But I hear you though, shooting out lights is sweet but it's just generally not cool for the game, just like destroyable walls it's the same thing.
[QUOTE="RobertBowen"]Lights that can't be shot out or turned off, etc... it goes on and on. Hopefully some of the next gen games like Crysis will start to really address this.Kev_Boy
Mind you this isn't always possible, suppose the game requires you to turn the power off so the lights are then off and later in you need to turn the power back on and the lights turn on. If you just shot out all lights this whole concept is dead in the water.
Also in real-time engines like Doom 3, you can't afford to have every light source be an extra light, you need to fake it a but and make multiple lightsources emit from 1 actual light. Otherwise your frame-rate will go drastically down.
But I hear you though, shooting out lights is sweet but it's just generally not cool for the game, just like destroyable walls it's the same thing.
Well if you build a game around the concept of being destructible, it's possible. Only problem is yes, the processing power needed is alot, not necessarily graphics power, but CPU and RAM capability.
SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGNS!!!!!!! i miss the good ol days of HL2, there hasnt been a good single player forever, cept Bioshock is comin out, god i cant wait.BenTheJamin
I only care about the single player campaign.
Providing truly unique sides in muliplayer fights. the opposing sides tend to be clones or very similar in most aspects. Wheres the "Starcraft balance" of FPS games with more than one opposing side?XaosII
I can agree with that. I love the Battlefield series, but I never saw the point of all the different factions when they're basically just carbon-copies of each other. It would be nice if each side had at least a few unique classes/vehicles/abilites etc.
What kinda sucks today is that there just isn't any humor in any games, fps or not. Everything just gets darker and grittier, which isn't bad, except that all games are doing that now, so they kind of look the same. Oh well.lysol3000
That definitely seems like a trend, Team Fortress 2 looks like a refreshing change though, with all the characters looking Pixar/Incredibles-like.
Dude they are all just aim and click the button games. I personally dont like them that much, they get really boring. But I have to admit Half life is my favorite if I was forced to play a FPS. Vito25
Then why bother commenting? Go to the sports posts with the other slow-reflex people. :P
What kinda sucks today is that there just isn't any humor in any games, fps or not. Everything just gets darker and grittier, which isn't bad, except that all games are doing that now, so they kind of look the same. Oh well.lysol3000
I miss the humor as well. Even in HL we had snarks, which made me roll every time I threw a bunch at someone. Giants was one of the funniest games of all times. It was more than a FPS, but still.
the thing that bothers me most is how utterly devoid of depth, plot and character fps games are - this isn't really exclusive to fps, though, it's a rampant problem with most games - developers suck at writing stories, and they suck at writing dialogue, and they usually get low-grade voice actors
i would be far happier playing great stories (or even just well told stories) with good or even mediocre shooters built around them than i would playing a great shooter with no plot or, sometimes worse, a serious attempt at a plot that ends up being terrible
as an example, look at crysis - most people are pitching it as fps of the year, or even game of the year... but the plot is gonna be: meteor thingy lands, different countries go after it, they fight, ALIENS! we all fight aliens, we probably win, the end! be sure to throw in some terrible dialogue and sub-amateur voice acting, though!
[QUOTE="lysol3000"]What kinda sucks today is that there just isn't any humor in any games, fps or not. Everything just gets darker and grittier, which isn't bad, except that all games are doing that now, so they kind of look the same. Oh well.weirjf
I miss the humor as well. Even in HL we had snarks, which made me roll every time I threw a bunch at someone. Giants was one of the funniest games of all times. It was more than a FPS, but still.
You guys must really (or would) like the No One Lives Forever series then :D ...games that don't take themselves too seriously, but are excellent FPSs!
[QUOTE="weirjf"][QUOTE="lysol3000"]What kinda sucks today is that there just isn't any humor in any games, fps or not. Everything just gets darker and grittier, which isn't bad, except that all games are doing that now, so they kind of look the same. Oh well.Nitrous2O
I miss the humor as well. Even in HL we had snarks, which made me roll every time I threw a bunch at someone. Giants was one of the funniest games of all times. It was more than a FPS, but still.
You guys must really (or would) like the No One Lives Forever series then :D ...games that don't take themselves too seriously, but are excellent FPSs!
NOLF is still one of my most favorite series of all time. I would have to say, with all the emphasis on multiplayer games, I can really appreciate a good single player game.
I'll tell you what, Co-op in Crysis would be amazing, I would love to team up with some of you peeps here on GS or on my Xfire list and tear through the single player. This adds a whole new element to the single player that can make it replayable over and over.
Dumb AI.. But stalker is how all AI should be..
Guns- THe same ones RPG, Machine Gun..
Level Design- Indoor Corridors, crates and Barrells
Story- Same lame story amnesia people need to be killed
We need more FPS like stalker , and Half life 2
Stalker had some of those elementes but is still rocked.. Fearhad most of those elements but but it was great.
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